In response to much feedback on the linux-yocto recipes and the associated
kernel tools, we have made a number of improvements in an attempt to
make them
more accessible. In particular, the tools now allow for using your own
and configurations in a fairly simple manner, while providing a path to more
complex meta-data management.

The following document is intended to demystify the Yocto Project Linux
Tools now that some of this work has been done.  Ultimately, the goal of
document is to provide a "task-based" approach to developing Linux kernel
recipes and meta-data with the Yocto Project. It should present
information more
or less in the order a developer is likely to need it. Start off by
changing a
config and adding a patch, then using your own sources, incorporating
out of tree
drivers, then diving into more complex configuration and source management.

This document has seen some review prior to this announcement. I wanted
to thank
everyone for the feedback provided. I have done my best to incorporate
it. In a
couple cases I felt the additions were better left to "How Do I" wiki
pages or a
separate manual (such as the Development Manual or the BSP Guide). The
is what I am submitting to Scott R, our tech writer, for a full review and
docbookification for release with the 1.4 Yocto Project release.
Eventually I
would like to see the following sections added to the document.

1) Workflow
   * Group environements
   * Local sources
2) Advanced Source Management
   * working outside of bitbake
   * generating the git tree from the meta-data
3) Examples

For now, I feel this document should go a long way towards clarifying
the use of
the kernel tools and the linux-yocto recipes.

I would still greatly appreciate any additional feedback and there is still
plenty of time to incorporate that feedback prior to release. So if you
already and have the inclination, I'd welcome your review!

Linux Kernel Development with the Yocto Project

Table of Contents
  Yocto Project Linux Kernel Recipes

  Preparing a Layer
  Modifying an Existing Recipe (Mostly covered by the Dev Manual)
  Applying Patches
  Changing the Config
  Iterative Development
    Generating Configuration Files
    Modifying Source Code
  Working with Your Own Sources
  Incorporating Out-of-tree Modules

  Using Meta-Data in a Recipe
  Meta-Data Location
    Recipe-Space Meta-Data
    In-Tree Meta-Data
  Meta-Data Syntax
    Kernel Types
  Machine Branches
  Feature Branches
  SCC Reference


FAQ (Maybe put this online as a wiki?)
  How do I use my own Linux kernel .config?
  How do I create configuration fragments?
  How do I use my own Linux kernel sources?
  How do I install/not-install the kernel image on the rootfs?
  How do install a specific kernel module?
  How do I changed the Linux kernel command line?

1 Introduction
Regardless of how you intend to make use of the Yocto Project, chances
are you
are going to need to work with the Linux kernel. The Yocto Project
provides a
powerful set of tools for managing Linux kernel sources and
configuration data.
If you want to make a single configuration change, apply a couple of
patches, or
work with your own sources, the Yocto Project has tooling in place to
help you
do it.

1.1 Yocto Project Linux Kernel Recipes
Each Yocto Project release introduces a new set of linux-yocto kernel
tracking the latest upstream developments and introducing newly supported
platforms. In addition to the new kernel recipes, the previous recipes are
refreshed and supported for at least one additional release. As they align,
these previous releases are updated to include the latest from the LTSI
Besides these recipes, a linux-yocto-dev recipe is available for working
the very latest in upstream Linux kernel development as well as meta-data

If you do not maintain your own kernel sources and need to make only minimal
changes to the sources, these recipes provide a vetted base upon which
to layer
your changes. Doing so allows you to benefit from the continual kernel
integration and testing performed during development of the Yocto Project.

If, instead, you have a very specific Linux kernel source tree and are
unable to
align with one of the many official linux-yocto releases, an alternative
exists by which you can use the Yocto Project Linux kernel tools with
your own

The sections that follow provide instructions for completing specific Linux
kernel development tasks. They assume familiarity with working with bitbake
recipes and basic open-source development tools. Understanding these
will facilitate the process of working with the kernel recipes. If you
find you
need some additional background, please be sure to review and understand the
following documentation:

o Yocto Project Getting Started Guide
o Yocto Project Development Manual
  - 4.3 Modifying Temporary Source Code
  - 5.1 Understanding and Creating Layers
  - 4.1.2 Modifying the Kernel
    (This section should be retired, as well as 5.6, 5.7 - with this
     providing the necessary information)

Finally, while this document focuses on the manual creation of recipes,
and configuration files, the Yocto Project BSP tools are available to
this process with existing content and work well to create the initial
and boilerplate code. For details, refer to the Yocto Project BSP

2 Common Tasks

2.1 Preparing a Layer
Customizing recipes is best done in a layer with bbappend files. Layers also
provide a convenient mechanism to create your own recipes. This guide
you will be working from within a layer independent from those released
with the
Yocto Project. For details on how to create and work with layers, refer to
section 5.1 Understanding and Creating Layers in the Yocto Project

(Kernel specific directions in 5.7.4)

2.2 Modifying an Existing Recipe
In many cases, you can customize an existing linux-yocto recipe to meet the
needs of your project. Each release of the Yocto Project provides a few
kernel recipes to choose from. To get started, prepare a layer and a
file corresponding to the recipe you wish to modify.

See [New example in Dev Manual] for instructions to create a minimal layer.

The bbappend will typical be located at the following location relative
to the
layer (if modifying the recipe):


And should contain the following text initially:


The ${PN} will expand to "linux-yocto" in this example. Any new files
added to
modify the recipe should then be added to the following path within the


NOTE: If you are working on a new machine BSP, be sure to refer to the Yocto
Project Board Support Package Developer's Guide.

2.2.1 Applying Patches
If you have a patch, or a small series of patches, to apply to the Linux
source, you can do so just as you would with any other recipe. You first
the patches to the path added to FILESEXTRAPATHS in the bbappend file as
described in 2.2 and then reference them in the SRC_URI.

For example, you can apply a three patch series by adding the following
lines to
your linux-yocto bbappend file in your layer:

        SRC_URI += "file://0001-first-change.patch"
        SRC_URI += "file://0002-first-change.patch"
        SRC_URI += "file://0003-first-change.patch"

At the next build, bitbake will detect the change in the recipe and
fetch and
apply the patches before rebuilding the Linux kernel.

2.2.2 Changing the Config
Making wholesale or incremental changes to the Linux kernel config can
be made
by including a defconfig or configuration fragments in the SRC_URI.

If you have a complete Linux kernel .config file you want to use, copy it as
"defconfig" to the ${FILES} directory and add the following line to your
linux-yocto bbappend file in your layer:

        SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"

Generally speaking, the preferred approach is to determine the incremental
change you want to make and add that as a fragment. For example, if you
to add support for a basic serial console, create a file named
"8250.cfg" in the
${FILES} directory with the following content (without indentation):


Then include this configuration fragment in the SRC_URI:

        SRC_URI += "file://8250.cfg"

At the next build, bitbake will detect the change in the recipe and
fetch and
apply the new configuration before rebuilding the Linux kernel.

2.3 Iterative Development
If you do not have existing patches or configuration files, you can easily
generate them from within the bitbake build environment, as will be
below. As you do, running previously completed bitbake tasks will cause
to invalidate the tasks that follow them in the build sequence, causing
them to
rebuild at the next invocation of the build. Throughout this section, be
sure to
substitute "linux-yocto" with the name of the Linux kernel recipe you are
working with.

2.3.1 Generating Configuration Files
You can manipulate the config used to build a linux-yocto recipe with the
"menuconfig" command.

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c menuconfig

This will start the Linux kernel configuration tool, allowing you to
prepare a
new .config for the build. When you exit, be sure to save the changes when
prompted. The resulting .config file will be located in the ${WORKDIR} under
the linux-${MACHINE}-${KTYPE}-build directory. You can use this in its
as the defconfig file described in 2.2.2.

Better still, would be to use the "menuconfig" command and take the
of the new .config file with the previous one to generate a configuration
fragment. To do this, be sure to complete a build at least through the
configuration task:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configme -f

Then make a copy of the .config file, calling it "config.orig", for
example. Run
the "menuconfig" command as described above. Finally, prepare a
fragment from the difference between the files. Ultimately you want a
list of
Linux kernel CONFIG_ assignments, and not something in diff format.
like the following will do that automatically (but plan on reviewing the
as you can usually remove some of the defaults):

        $ diff -Nurp config.orig .config | sed -n "s/^\+//p" > frag.cfg

You can use the output as a configuration fragment described in 2.2.2. This
method can also be used to define a BSP configuration fragment (See 3.3.5).

The Yocto Project kernel tools provide some configuration validation
tools which
will warn when a configuration you requested does not appear in the final
config, or when you override a policy configuration in a hardware
fragment. You can run these tools with the following command:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configcheck -f


        NOTE: validating kernel configuration
        This BSP sets 3 invalid/obsolete kernel options.
        These config options are not offered anywhere within this kernel.
        The full list can be found in your kernel src dir at:

        This BSP sets 21 kernel options that are possibly non-hardware related.
        The full list can be found in your kernel src dir at:

        WARNING: There were 2 hardware options requested that do not
                 have a corresponding value present in the final ".config" file.
                 This probably means you aren't getting the config you wanted.
        The full list can be found in your kernel src dir at:

The various problems that you can encounter are described in the output
with where to find the offending configuration items. You can use these
logs to
adjust your configuration files and repeat the "kernel_configme" and
"kernel_configcheck" commands until no warnings are produced.

2.3.2 Modifying Source Code
You can experiment with source code changes and create a simple patch
leaving the bitbake environment. To get started, be sure to complete a
build at
least through the kernel configuration task:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configme -f

This step will ensure you have the sources prepared and the configuration
completed. You will find the sources in the ${WORKDIR}/linux directory.

You can edit the sources as you would any other Linux source tree, but
keep in
mind that your changes will be lost if you trigger the fetch task for the
recipe. Avoid this by not issuing the "cleanall" or "cleansstate", or
the "fetch" command. Also be sure not to modify the recipe itself while
with temporary changes or bitbake may run the fetch command (depending
on the
changes to the recipe).

To test your temporary changes, instruct bitbake to run the compile
again. The
-f option forces the command to run again even though bitbake may think
it has
already done so:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c compile -f

If the compile fails, you can update the sources and repeat the compile
command. Once it compiles successfully, you can inspect and test the
build (kernel, modules, etc.) from the build directory at
${WORKDIR}/linux-${MACHINE}-${KTYPE}-build. Alternatively, you can run the
deploy command to place the kernel image in the tmp/deploy/images directory:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c deploy

And of course, you can run through all the remaining installation and
steps by issuing:

        $ bitbake linux-yocto

For rapid iterative development, the edit-compile-repeat loop is
preferable to
rebuilding the entire recipe as the installation and packaging tasks are
time consuming.

Once you are happy with your modifications, you can make these permanent by
generating patches and applying them to the SRC_URI as described in section
2.2.1 Applying Patches. If you are not familiar with generating patches,
to the Yocto Project Development Manual, section 5.7.3 Creating the Patch.

2.4 Working with Your Own Sources
If you find yourself unable to work with one of the Linux kernel versions
supported by existing linux-yocto recipes, you can still make use of the
Project Linux kernel tooling while working with your own sources. You
will not
be able to leverage the existing meta-data and stabilization work of the
linux-yocto sources, but you will be able to manage your own meta-data
in the
same format as the linux-yocto sources which will facilitate converging with
linux-yocto on a future mutually-supported kernel version.

The linux-yocto-custom recipe, located in the poky repository at:


is provided as an example recipe which uses sources and the Yocto
Project Linux kernel tools for managing meta-data. To get started, copy this
recipe to your layer and provide it with a meaningful name, such as, where 3.5 is the base version of the Linux
you will be working with. In the same directory, create a matching
e.g. linux-yocto-myproject to store your patches and configuration files.

Edit the following variables in the recipe as appropriate for your project:

        o SRC_URI
        o SRCREV
        o PR
        o PV

The SRC_URI should be a git repository, using one of the supported git
protocols (file, git, http, etc.). The skeleton recipe provides an example
SRC_URI as a syntax reference.

Set LINUX_VERSION to the Linux kernel version you are using, such as

LINUX_VERSION_EXTENSION is used to define the Linux kernel
which will be compiled in to the resulting kernel and visible via the uname

Set SRCREV to the commit ID you wish to build from.

Treat the PR as you would the PR of any other recipe. Increment it to
to the build system that the recipe has changed.

The default PV assignment is typically adequate. It combines the
with the SCM revision (from the SRCPV variable) and results in a string
something like:


While lengthy, this extra verbosity helps ensure you are building from
the exact
sources you intend.

Finally, the default COMPATIBLE_MACHINE assignment for
linux-yocto-custom is set
to a regular expression matching only the empty string, "(^$)". This will
trigger an explicit build failure. You must change it to match a list of the
machines supported by your new recipe, such as "(qemux86|qemux86-64)"

With that in place, you can continue to customize this recipe as you
would the
existing linux-yocto recipes. See Section 2.2 Modifying an Existing
Recipe for

2.5 Incorporating Out-of-tree Modules
While it is always preferable to work with sources integrated into the Linux
kernel sources, if you have need of an external kernel module, the hello-mod
recipe is available as a template to create your own out-of-tree Linux
module recipe. It is available in the poky repository at:


To get started, copy this recipe to your layer and provide it with a
meaningful name, such as In the same directory, create a directory named "files"
you can store any source files, patches, or other files necessary for
the module which do not come with the sources. Finally, update the recipe as
appropriate for the module. Typically you will need to set the following

        o LICENSE*
        o SRC_URI
        o PV

Depending on the build system used by the module sources, you may need
to make
adjustments. For example, a typical module Makefile will look much like that
provided with hello-mod:

        obj-m := hello.o
        SRC := $(shell pwd)
                $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SRC) M=$(SRC)
                $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL_SRC) M=$(SRC) modules_install

The important point to note here is the KERNEL_SRC variable. The module
class sets this, as well as KERNEL_PATH, to ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR} with the
necessary Linux kernel build information to build modules. If your module
Makefile uses a different variable, you may want to override the
step, or create a patch to the Makefile to work with the more typical
or KERNEL_PATH variables.

After you have prepared the recipe, you will likely want to include the
in your images. To do this, see the documentation for the following
variables in
the Yocto Project Reference Manual and set one of them as appropriate in
machine config file:


As modules are often not required for boot and may be excluded from certain
build configurations, the following allows for the most flexibility:

        MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-mymodule"

Where the value is derived by appending the module filename without the .ko
extension to the string "kernel-module-".

As it is an RRECOMMENDS (and not an RDEPENDS) variable, the build will
not fail
if this module is not available to include in the image.

3 Advanced Meta-Data
In addition to configuration fragments and patches, the Yocto Project kernel
tools support rich meta-data which you can use to define complex
policies and
BSP support. The purpose of the meta-data and the tools to manage it,
known as
the kern-tools (, is to assist in managing the
complexity of the configuration and sources in support of multiple BSPs and
Linux kernel types.

In particular, the kernel tools allow you to specify only what you must, and
nothing more.  Where a complete Linux kernel .config includes all the
automatically selected CONFIG options, the configuration fragments only
need to
contain the highest level visible CONFIG options as presented by the Linux
kernel menuconfig system. This reduces your maintenance effort and
allows you
to further separate your configuration in ways that make sense for your
A common split is policy and hardware. For example, all your kernels may
the proc and sys filesystems, but only specific boards will require
sound, usb,
or specific drivers. Specifying these individually allows you to
aggregate them
together as needed, but maintain them in only one place. Similar logic
to source changes.

3.1 Using Meta-Data in a Recipe
The meta-data provided with any linux-yocto style Linux kernel sources must
define a BSP that corresponds to the definition laid out in the recipe.
consists of an aggregation of kernel policy and hardware specific feature
enablement. This can be influenced from within the recipe.

Every linux-yocto style recipe must define the following variables:


KMACHINE is typically set to the same value as used within the
recipe-space BSP
definition, such as "routerstationpro" or "fri2". However, multiple BSPs can
reuse the same KMACHINE name if they are built using the same BSP
(see 3.3.5). The meta-intel "fri2" and "fri2-noemgd" are good examples
of such
a situation where each specifies KMACHINE as "fri2".

They may optionally define the following variables:

KBRANCH_DEFAULT defines the default source branch within the Linux
kernel source
repository to be used to build the Linux kernel. It is used as the
default value
for KBRANCH which may define an alternate branch, typically with a machine
override, such as:

KBRANCH_fri2 = "standard/fri2"

Unless you specify otherwise, KBRANCH_DEFAULT is initialized to "master".

LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE defines the kernel type to be used in assembling the
configuration and defaults to "standard" if you do not specify otherwise.
Together with KMACHINE, this defines the search arguments used by the Yocto
Project Linux kernel tools to find the appropriate description within the
meta-data with which to build out the sources and configuration. The
recipes define "standard", "tiny", and "preempt-rt" kernel types. See
3.3.4 for
more inforation on kernel types.

During the build, the kern-tools will search for the BSP description
file that
most closely matches the KMACHINE and LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE passed in from the
recipe. It will use the first BSP description it finds matching both
Failing that it will issue a warning such as the following:

        WARNING: Can't find any BSP hardware or required configuration 
        WARNING: Looked at meta/cfg/broken/fri2-broken/hdw_frags.txt and
                 meta/cfg/broken/fri2-broken/required_frags.txt in directory:

        In this example KMACHINE was set to "fri2-broken" and LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE
        was set to "broken".

It will then search first for the KMACHINE and then
for the LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE. If it cannot find a partial match, it will
use the
sources from the KBRANCH and any configuration specified in the SRC_URI.

KERNEL_FEATURES can be used to include features (configuration fragments,
patches, or both) that are not already included by the KMACHINE and
LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE combination. To include a feature specified as
"features/netfilter.scc" for example, specify:

KERNEL_FEATURES += "features/netfilter.scc"

To include a feature called "cfg/sound.scc" just for the qemux86 machine,

KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemux86 = "cfg/sound.scc"

The value of the entries in KERNEL_FEATURES are dependent on their location
within the meta-data itself. The examples here are taken from the
linux-yocto-3.4 repository where "features" and "cfg" are subdirectories
of the
meta-data directory. For details, see 3.3.

        Note: The processing of the these variables has evolved some between the
              0.9 and 1.3 releases of the Yocto Project and associated
              kern-tools sources. The above is accurate for 1.3 and later
              releases of the Yocto Project.

3.2 Meta-Data Location
This meta-data can be defined along with the Linux kernel recipe
as partially described in section 2.2 as well as within the Linux kernel
themselves (in-tree).

Where you choose to store the meta-data depends on what you want to do
and how
you intend to work. If you are unfamiliar with the Linux kernel and only
to apply a config and possibly a couple of patches provided to you by
you may find the recipe-space mechanism to be easier to work with. This
is also
a good approach if you are working with Linux kernel sources you do not
or if you just don't want to maintain a Linux kernel git repository on
your own.

If you are doing active kernel development and are already maintaining a
kernel git repository of your own, you may find it more convenient to
work with
the meta-data in the same repository as the Linux kernel sources. This
can make
iterative development of the Linux kernel more efficient outside of the

Regardless of where the meta-data is stored, the syntax as
described in the following sections applies equally.

3.2.1 Recipe-Space Meta-Data
When stored in recipe-space, the meta-data files reside in a directory
below FILESEXTRAPATHS, which is typically set to ${THISDIR}/${PN} for a
linux-yocto or linux-yocto-custom derived Linux kernel recipe. See 2.2.

By way of example, a trivial tree of meta-data stored in recipe-space
within a
BSP layer might look like the following:

`-- recipes-kernel
    `-- linux
        `-- linux-yocto
            |-- bsp-standard.scc
            |-- bsp.cfg
            `-- standard.cfg

When the meta-data is stored in recipe-space, you must take steps to ensure
bitbake has the necessary information to decide which files to fetch and
they need to be fetched again.

It is only necessary to specify the .scc files on the SRC_URI; bitbake will
parse them and fetch any files referenced in the .scc files by the include,
patch, or kconf commands. Because of this, it is necessary to bump the
recipe PR
value when changing the content of files not explicitly listed in the

3.2.2 In-Tree Meta-Data
When stored in-tree, the meta-data files reside in the "meta" directory
of the
Linux kernel sources. They may be present in the same branch as the sources,
such as "master", or in their own orphan branch, typically named "meta". An
orphan branch in git is a branch with unique history and content to the
branches in the repository. This is useful to track meta-data changes
independently from the sources of the Linux kernel, while still keeping them
together in the same repository. For the purposes of this document, we will
discuss all in-tree meta-data as residing below the "meta/cfg/kernel-cache"

By way of example, a trivial tree of meta-data stored in a custom Linux
git repository might look like the following:

`-- cfg
    `-- kernel-cache
        |-- bsp-standard.scc
        |-- bsp.cfg
        `-- standard.cfg

To use a specific branch for the meta-data, specify the branch in the KMETA
variable in your Linux kernel recipe, for example:

        KMETA = "meta"

To use the same branch as the sources, set KMETA to the empty string:

        KMETA = ""

If you are working with your own sources and want to create an orphan meta
branch, you can do so using the following commands from within your
Linux kernel
git repository:

        $ git checkout --orphan meta
        $ git rm -rf .
        $ git commit --allow-empty -m "Create orphan meta branch"

3.3 Meta-Data Syntax
The Yocto Project Linux kernel tools meta-data consists of three primary
of files: scc* description files, configuration fragments, and patches.
The scc
files define variables and include or otherwise reference any of the
three file
types. The description files are used to aggregate all types of
meta-data into
what ultimately describes the sources and the configuration required to
build a
Linux kernel tailored to a specific machine.

The scc description files are used to define two fundamental types of
        o Features
        o BSPs

Features aggregate sources in the form of patches and configuration in
the form
of configuration fragments into a modular reusable unit. Features are
used to
implement conceptually separate meta-data descriptions like pure
fragments, simple patches, complex features, and kernel types (ktypes).
types define general kernel features and policy to be reused in the BSPs.

BSPs define hardware-specific features and aggregate them with kernel
types to
form the final description of what will be assembled and built.

While the meta-data syntax does not enforce any logical separation of
configuration fragments, patches, features or kernel types, best practices
dictate a logical separation of these types of meta-data. The following
meta-data file hierarchy is recommended:


The bsp directory should contain the BSP descriptions, described in
detail in
3.3.5. The remaining directories all contain "features"; the separation
is meant
to aid in conceptualizing their intended usage.  A simple guide to determine
where your scc description file should go is as follows. If it contains only
configuration fragments, it belongs in cfg. If it contains only source-code
fixes, it belongs in patches. If it encapsulates a major feature, often
combining sources and configurations, it belongs in features. If it
non-hardware configuration and patches in order to define a base kernel
or major kernel type to be reused across multiple BSPs, it belongs in
The line between these can easily become blurred, especially as out-of-tree
features are slowly merged upstream over time. Also remember that this
is purely
logical organization and has no impact on the functionality of the
meta-data as
all of cfg, features, patches, and ktypes, contain "features" as far as the
Yocto Project Linux kernel tools are concerned.

Paths used in meta-data files are relative to <base> which is either
FILESEXTRAPATHS if you are creating meta-data in recipe-space (see
3.2.1), or
meta/cfg/kernel-cache/ if you are creating meta-data in-tree (see 3.2.2).

* scc stands for Series Configuration Control, but the naming has less
  significance in the current implementation of the tooling than it had
in the
  past. Consider it to be a description file.

3.3.1 Configuration
The simplest unit of meta-data is the configuration-only feature. It
consists of
one or more Linux kernel configuration parameters in a .cfg file (as
in section XYZ) and an scc file describing the fragment. The SMP fragment
included in the linux-yocto-3.4 git repository consists of the following two

        define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION "Enable SMP"
        kconf hardware smp.cfg


See 2.3.1 for details on creating configuration fragments.

KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION provides a short description of the fragment, the
primary use is for higher level tooling, such as the Yocto Project BSP Tools

The "kconf" command is used to include the actual configuration fragment
in an
scc file, and the "hardware" keyword identifies the fragment as being
enabling, as opposed to general policy (which would use the keyword
"non-hardware"). The distinction is made for the benefit of the
validation tools which will warn you if a hardware fragment overrides a
set by a non-hardware fragment.

As described in 2.3.1, the following bitbake command can be used to
audit your

        $ bitbake linux-yocto -c kernel_configcheck -f

The description file can include multiple kconf statements, one per

3.3.2 Patches
Patches are described in a very similar way to configuration fragments (see
3.3.1). Instead of a .cfg file, they work with source patches. A typical
includes a description file and the patch itself:

        patch mypatch.patch

        <typical patch created with 'diff -Nurp' or 'git format-patch'>

The description file can include multiple patch statements, one per patch.

3.3.3 Features
Features are a combination of configuration fragments and patches, or, more
accurately, configuration fragments and patches are simple forms of a
feature, a
more complex meta-data type. In addition to the kconf and patch commands,
features often aggregate description files with the include command.

A hypothetical example of a feature description file might look like the

        define KFEATURE_DESCRIPTION "Enable myfeature"

        patch 0001-myfeature-core.patch
        patch 0002-myfeature-interface.patch

        include cfg/myfeature_dependency.scc
        kconf non-hardware myfeature.cfg

Features are typically less granular than configuration fragments and
are more
likely than configurations fragments and patches to be the types of
things you
will want to specify in the KERNEL_FEATURES variable of the Linux kernel
(see 3.1).

3.3.4 Kernel Types
Kernel types, or ktypes, are used to aggregate all non-hardware
fragments together with any patches you want to use for all Linux kernel
of the specified ktype. In short, ktypes are where you define a high-level
kernel policy. Syntactically, however, they are no different than
features (see
3.3.3).  preempt-rt, and tiny. The ktype is selected by the
variable in the recipe (see 3.1).

By way of example, the linux-yocto-3.4 tree defines three ktypes: standard,
tiny, and preempt-rt. The standard kernel type includes the generic
Linux kernel
policy of the Yocto Project linux-yocto kernel recipes. This includes things
like which filesystems, which networking options, which core kernel
and which debugging and tracing optoins are supported. The preempt-rt kernel
type applies the PREEMPT_RT patches and the configuration options
required to
build a real-time Linux kernel. It inherits from standard. The tiny
kernel type
is independent from the standard configuration and defines a bare minimum
configuration meant to serve as a base for very small Linux kernels.
Tiny does
not currently include any source changes, but it may in the future.

The standard ktype is defined by standard.scc:
        # Include this kernel type fragment to get the standard features and
        # configuration values.
        # Include all standard features
        include standard-nocfg.scc
        kconf non-hardware standard.cfg
        # individual cfg block section
        include cfg/fs/devtmpfs.scc
        include cfg/fs/debugfs.scc
        include cfg/fs/btrfs.scc
        include cfg/fs/ext2.scc
        include cfg/fs/ext3.scc
        include cfg/fs/ext4.scc
        include cfg/net/ipv6.scc
        include cfg/net/ip_nf.scc
        include cfg/net/ip6_nf.scc
        include cfg/net/bridge.scc

As with any scc file, a ktype definition can aggregate other scc files
with the
include command, or directly pull in configuration fragments and patches
the kconf and patch commands, respectively.

Note: It is not strictly necessary to create a ktype scc file. The BSP
file can
      define the ktype implicitly with a "define KTYPE myktype" line.
See 3.3.5.

3.3.5 BSPs
BSP descriptions combine kernel types (see 3.3.4) with hardware-specific
features (see 3.3.3). The hardware specific portion is typically defined
independently, and then aggregated with each supported kernel type.
Consider a
simple example:

        define KMACHINE mybsp
        define KTYPE standard
        define KARCH i386

        kconf mybsp.cfg

Every BSP description should include the definition of the KMACHINE,
KTYPE, and
KARCH variables. These variables allow the build-system to identify this
description as meeting the criteria set by the recipe being built. This
particular description can be said to support the "mybsp" machine for the
"standard" kernel type and the "i386" architecture. Note that there is
no hard
link between the KTYPE and a ktype description file. If you do not have
types defined in your meta-data, you only need to ensure that the recipe
LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE and the KTYPE here match.

NOTE: future versions of the tooling make the specification of KTYPE in
the BSP

If you did want to separate your kernel policy from your hardware
you could do so by specifying a kernel type, such as "standard" (see
3.3.4) and
including that description in the BSP description. You might also have
hardware configurations that you aggregate into a single hardware
file which you could include here, rather than referencing a single .cfg
Consider the following:

        define KMACHINE mybsp
        define KTYPE standard
        define KARCH i386

        include standard.scc
        include mybsp.scc

In the above example standard.scc aggregates all the configuration
patches, and features that make up your standard kernel policy whereas
aggregates all those necessary to support the hardware available on the
machine. For information on how to break a complete .config into the various
fragments, see 2.3.1.

Many real-world examples are more complex. Like any other scc file, BSP
descriptions can aggregate features. Consider the Fish River Island II
BSP definitions from the linux-yocto-3.4 repository:

        kconf hardware fri2.cfg
        include cfg/x86.scc
        include features/eg20t/eg20t.scc
        include cfg/dmaengine.scc
        include features/ericsson-3g/f5521gw.scc
        include features/power/intel.scc
        include cfg/efi.scc
        include features/usb/ehci-hcd.scc
        include features/usb/ohci-hcd.scc
        include features/iwlwifi/iwlwifi.scc

The fri2.scc description file includes a hardware configuration fragment
(fri2.cfg) specific to the fri2 BSP as well as several more general
configuration fragments and features enabling hardware found on the
fri2. This
description is then included in each of the three machine-ktype descriptions
(standard, preempt-rt, and tiny). Consider the fri2 standard description:

        define KMACHINE fri2
        define KTYPE standard
        define KARCH i386
        include ktypes/standard/standard.scc
        branch fri2
        git merge emgd-1.14
        include fri2.scc
        # Extra fri2 configs above the minimal defined in fri2.scc
        include cfg/efi-ext.scc
        include features/drm-emgd/drm-emgd.scc
        include cfg/vesafb.scc
        # default policy for standard kernels
        include cfg/usb-mass-storage.scc

Note the "include fri2.scc" line about midway through the file. By
defining all
hardware enablement common to the BSP for all kernel types, duplication is
significantly reduced.

This description introduces a few more variables and commands worthy of
discussion.  Note the "branch" command which is used to create a
machine-specific branch into which source changes can be applied. With this
branch set up, the "git merge" command uses the git SCM to merge in a
branch "emgd-1.14".  This could also be handled with the patch command,
but for
commonly used features such as this, feature branches can be a convenient
mechanism (see 3.5).

Next consider the fri2 tiny description:

        define KMACHINE fri2
        define KTYPE tiny
        define KARCH i386
        include ktypes/tiny/tiny.scc
        branch fri2
        include fri2.scc

As you might expect, the tiny description includes quite a bit less. In
it includes only the minimal policy defined by the tiny ktype and the
hardware-specific configuration required for boot and the most basic
functionality of the system as defined in the base fri2 description
file. Note
again the three critical variables: KMACHINE, KTYPE, and KARCH. Of
these, only
the KTYPE has changed, now set to "tiny".

3.4 Machine Branches
Section 3.1 introduced the KBRANCH variable which defines the source
branch to
use from the Linux kernel git repository you are using. Many
derived recipes will be using Linux kernel sources with only a single
"master". However, when you are working with multiple boards and
you are likely to run into the situation where a series of patches are
for one board to boot. Sometimes these patches are works in progress or
fundamentally wrong, yet still necessary for specific boards. In these
situations, you most likely do not want to include these patches in
every kernel
you build. You have a couple of options.

First, you could encapsulate these patches in a feature description and only
include them in the BSP description for the board(s) that require them (see
3.3.2 and 3.3.5).

Alternatively, you can create a branch in your Linux kernel sources and
the patches there. You can then specify this new branch as the KBRANCH
to use
for this board. You can do this in the recipe with the KBRANCH variable:
        KBRANCH = "mynewbranch"
or in the BSP description using the "branch" command:

        define KMACHINE mybsp
        define KTYPE standard
        define KARCH i386
        include standard.scc

        branch mynewbranch

        include mybsp.scc

The decision of which approach to take, feature or branch, is entirely
up to you
and depends on what works best for your development model. If you are
working on board support, you may find that working within a branch is more
practical than trying to continually reintegrate your patches into a
feature. On
the other hand, if you are simply reusing some patches from an external
tree and
are not working on them, you may find the encapsulated feature to be
as it does not require the additional complexity of branching in your Linux
kernel sources.

If you are supporting multiple boards and architectures and find
yourself with
numerous branches, you might consider using a hierarchical branching system
similar to what the linux-yocto Linux kernel repositories use:


If you had two ktypes, standard and small for instance, and three
machines, your
git tree might look like this:


This organization can help clarify the relationship of the branches to
each other. In this case, "common/standard/machine_a" would include
everything in
"common/base" and "common/standard/base". The "standard" and "small"
add sources specific to those kernel types that for whatever reason are not
appropriate for the other branches.

Note: The "base" branches are an artifact of the way git manages its data
      internally on the filesystem: it will not allow you to use
      "common/standard" and "common/standard/machine_a" because it would
have to
      create a file and a directory named "standard".

3.5 Feature Branches
During active development a new feature, it can be more efficient to
work with
that feature as a branch, rather than as a set of patches which have to be
regularly updated. The Yocto Project Linux kernel tools provide for this
the "git merge" command.

To merge a feature branch into a BSP, insert the "git merge" command
after any
branch commands:

        define KMACHINE mybsp
        define KTYPE standard
        define KARCH i386
        include standard.scc

        branch mynewbranch
        git merge myfeature

        include mybsp.scc

3.6 SCC Reference
* branch [ref]

  Create a new branch relative to the current branch (typically
${KTYPE}) using
  the currently checked-out branch, or "ref" if specified.

  TODO: Bruce, we need to clarify the "relative to the current branch" bit.

* define

  Define variables, such as KMACHINE, KTYPE, KARCH, and

* include SCC_FILE

  Include an scc file in the current file. It will be parsed as if inserted

* kconf [hardware|non-hardware] CFG_FILE

  Queue a configuration fragment for merging into the final Linux
.config file.

* merge (or "git merge") GIT_BRANCH

  Merge the feature branch into the current branch.

* patch PATCH_FILE

  Apply the patch to the current git branch.

4. FAQ
Q. How do I use my own Linux kernel .config?
A. See 2.2.2.

Q. How do I create configuration fragments?
A. See 2.3.1.

Q. How do I use my own Linux kernel sources?
A. See 2.4.

Q. How do I install/not-install the kernel image on the rootfs?
A. The kernel image (e.g. vmlinuz) is provided by the kernel-image package.
   Image recipes depend on kernel-base. To specify whether or no the kernel
   image is installed in the generated root filesystem, override
   RDEPENDS_kernel-base to include or not include "kernel-image".
   See (TODO: development manual reference for overrides).

Q. How do I install a specific kernel module?
A. Linux kernel modules are packaged individually. To ensure a specific
   module is included in an image, include it in the appropriate
   machine RRECOMMENDS variable. See the Yocto Project Reference Manual
   glossary for details on:


   For example, set the following in the qemux86.conf file to include
the ab123
   kernel modules with images built for the qemux86 machine:

        MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-ab123"

   See 2.5 for details.

Q. How do I changed the Linux kernel command line?
A. The Linux kernel command line is typically specified in the machine
config in
   the APPEND variable. For example, you can add some helpful debug

   APPEND += "printk.time=y initcall_debug debug"

Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Yocto Project - Technical Lead - Linux Kernel
yocto mailing list

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