Hi Anup,

On Dec 12, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Anup Kini <ak...@synapticon.com> wrote:

> I could not find where the arm gcc was included in this build.
> I was checking the build process and took the gcc.4.4.6 while building the 
> core-image-minimal.
> Hence i wanted to confirm if the arm-gcc can be integrated and steps to do it.

Two things to keep in mind here:

a. Yocto will generate a cross compiler for you. It will be called 
arm-poky-linux-gcc , and will be located in the 
poky/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin folder

This won't appear in your path, unless you explicitly specify it.

You can use this to build u-boot, the linux kernel and the root filesystem for 
the ZC702.

b. The cross compiler generated from yocto has some issues building the Xilinx 
SDK sources, for compiling the bsp and fsbl sources. Hence, you can use the 
default xilinx supplied compiler, which is already setup with Xilinx SDK, to 
build the bsp and fsbl binaries. You only need the Xilinx supplied gcc 
toolchain for these tasks, as well as for bare-metal applications using 
StandAlone OS or XilKernel.

For the rest, yocto gives you an easy way to build a fully working image for 
the ZC702.

Best regards,

Elvis Dowson

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