
Apologies in advance if this is not the appropriate resource for this
request. Someone recommended this email list as a potential resource.

Where is the best place to go to get help on Yocto project if you are brand
new to this type of embedded development? ... I have basic hardware,
embedded, computer and software skills but no specific knowledge of linux,
yocto or build environment?

What I am looking to do is to setup a very simple development environment
to learn by doing with Raspberry Pi as the BSP and yocto as the SDK. Then
do some fun little projects to get familiar with the build environment and
start doing more advanced projects.

I am totally new to yocto, linux and this type of embedded development.
However, I have been playing with Yocto over the past few weeks trying to
get a development environment setup up, reading the Yoctoproject.org site,
googling various resources and trying to learn as much as I can. Setup
VMware player and build appliance as per the
https://www.yoctoproject.org/documentation/build-appliance-manual but dead
ended because of some networking issues. Next tried mysysGit but,
encountered some errors (attached) when setting up the project.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Ian Graham


*Making Start-ups Happen!*

<<attachment: Git.Error.PNG>>

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