AlexD, Cidy, Nitin, PaulE, KevinS, Belen, BjörnS, Amit, Corneliu, Song

Song: many of our team members are at ELC this week. They may not be able to 
attend this meeting.
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto Project 1.3.1 status - 10 min (Ross)
  - The build is ready, waiting for QA
* Yocto 1.4 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  - QA started weekly last week, will see result soon. 
  - Thanks to RP and others in ELC, we can still kick off M4 RC1 this week and 
QA will start testing.
* SWAT team rotation: Beth -> Paul.
* Opens - 10 min 
* Team Sharing - 20 min
  - AlexD: headsup on implementation of wayland on qemu and real hardware. 
There are some problems and we are working on them, If you run into any 
problems, likely we already know them. Multiple bugs opened for this. 
  - Amit: tried something on HOB. It is good work. Interested in the Web based 
interface. Like the idea. Song/Belen: We have a design firm working on web hob 
UI. Belen could use some help in the design process. Please let her know if you 
would like to be involved.
  - Nitin: Some of us are at ELC, if you are here, we would like to meet.
  - Corneliu: Real time status of the QA wiki: Would like to have feedback. 
In the future we may have many more testcases. This work automates reporting 
and can scale to hundreds or thousands of testcases.
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