On 2013-03-08 7:12, Eric Bénard wrote:
Hi Hans,

Le Fri, 8 Mar 2013 13:08:21 +0100,
Hans Beckérus <hans.becke...@gmail.com> a écrit :

Hi. I have built some custom kernel modules (.ko) using a .bb that
inherits from the module.bbclass. There is one main kernel module and
the rest are dependent on the first. Building and installing the
modules to the rootfs works fine. Next question is how do I control
what actual modules are loaded at boot, or actually how do I control
this through Yocto? To my surprise one of the kernel module loaded
automatically!? How could this happen? I did not have an entry for it
in /etc/modules. And what do I need to do to actually add entries to
/etc/modules? Or is there some other mechanism that I should use. I
tried going through the module.bbclass but must admit I lost it
somewhere in the middle ;) Any guidance would be appreciated.

when the module is built by the kernel recipe you can use :
module_autoload and you can see somme usage examples here :

maybe you could get inspiration from kernel.bbclass to do the same
thing in your recipe.

Thanks guys for your quick feedback. I can see that using module_autoload_${PN} seems like a good approach, if a package maps 1:1 to a module. In my case that is not so. The package/recipe builds six (or even more) .ko files using one makefile. I guess one option could be to split each module build in its own recipe, but that is not supported by the makefile and thus would require patching from my side in the source tree. I think the only option I have left is to try to use /etc/modules and add the modules there in a do_install_append(). But the problem then is, what happens if some other package also add a /etc/modules.conf to the image folder? Will it be merged or only copied? In the latter case last package wins which would not work out very well :(

Out of curiosity, what will module_autoload do? Will it add the .ko to /etc/modules or does it implement some other mechanism to make a module load automatically at boot?

I do not think that the mandatory module that is loaded originates from udev. This is a network CM driver that basically hooks into the Linux network stack. I do not think that udev will ever make this driver load automatically. But I can not say for sure of course.


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