On 2013-03-24 11:06, Jochen Trumpf wrote:
Hi Hans,

I am not subscribed to [yocto], just browsing it occasionally, so please
excuse the private email.

For this sort of thing I am using the following in my image recipe (stolen
from some gumstix image recipe in meta-gumstix-extras, danny branch):

-- cut --
# this section removes remnants of legacy sysvinit support
# for packages installed above
                         /etc/init.d/crond \
                         /etc/init.d/dbus-1 \
                         /etc/init.d/sshd \

remove_blacklist_files() {
         for i in ${IMAGE_FILE_BLACKLIST}; do
                 rm -rf ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}$i


ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND =+ "remove_blacklist_files ; "
-- cut --

You can add arbitrary commands to ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND, e.g. your link
to the network share. As you can see, you can use wildcards in the blacklist
entries, or anything that rm -rf will understand.

In case you want to use a similar mechanism to ADD files that are not already
present on your build machine, that is not (easily) possible since
image.bbclass does not support do_fetch, so SRC_URI does not work within an
image recipe. The philosophy seems to be that you need a separate recipe to
add things.

Hope this helps.


P.S.: Feel free to forward this to the list if you think it might be
interesting for other people.

Hi Jochen. Thanks for the information. As you might have seen already, I solved it by using a .bbappend for ncurses, but I must admit that your solution is a lot more elegant. I will try your approach instead and keep it in mind when needing something similar in the future.


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