MichaelH, BethF, BruceA, MarkH, BjörnS, DaveST, KevinS, TomZ, SaulW, Belen, 
RichardP, SeanH, PaulE, SongL. 
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto Project 1.3.1 status - 10 min (Beth)
  . Initial build is without distro version, old build is deleted. New AB has a 
bug that did not build LSB. Some sanity failures on LSB.
  . There are bugs opened for AB by QA. Some of them are AB bugs, for examples 
GPL bugs. Some other may not be. Beth will be working on these issues. 
  . ScottR has a doc change, it got pulled into the new build.
  . Beth: there will be some AB downtime. This afternoon.
  . Plan: Generating a new build for 1.3.1. Using the same tag. Certainly has 
more fixes. Already had a QA run on the same code. Got CCB approval. There are 
already people using this branch. So we are confident on the quality. There 
won't be additional QA needed. But Beth will compare the file count with 1.3. 
Make sure we are not missing anything.
* Yocto 1.4 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  . No feature development as expected. But bug count is high (318). A lot of 
people were on vacation last week. That probably contributed to more bugs than 
we liked. AB changes is another reason. We are back to the normal procedure and 
staffing now focusing on bug fixing.
   . Mark: LSB result, looks like generally we are in good shape. Couple of 
concerns: number of failures gone up. Many of them can be explained. But there 
are 3 python failures we are concerned. We know our users are using python. M5 
LSB issues have decreased compared with M4. but higher than M1. Mark will 
follow up to create bugs if necessary. Song will follow up with QA to find out 
if we changed LSB testing in anyway in 1.4. 
* SWAT team rotation: Radu Moisan -> Bogdan Marinescu> (Song will to email 
Bogdan to confirm)
* Opens - 10 min 
* Team Sharing - 20 min
  . Paul: new OE layer index is online now. ( 
Populated with layers, recipes and machine information. Submit your feedback. 
Thanks to Mike for setting it up. Working on bugs, helping Scott with doc.
  - Sean: Supersede the old infrastructure? Will put a link on the top of the 
current wiki (
  - Scott: change the manual later? Paul: make the change now.
  . Michael: did get the power upgrade done. Took 20 minutes longer. Additional 
capacity there for new servers. had a ram failures on one machine. Rebuilding 
that machine. Trying to get it back online. Package reporting system. New layer 
index app. Security people is scanning that site to make sure good security.

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