MarkH (also represents KevinM), Saul, Corneliu, AlexG, Cristiana, AlexD, 
Laurentiu, Ionut, Jessica (also represents DaveST), Ross, BogdanM, Richard, 
Cristian, Song


- We have all CCB members here or represented here.
- Review release criteria: please see:<>
- There are some failures on AB due to racing issues. So we did not have a 
completely green build. But these are random issue (4358), should not block the 
- Postinstall issues found by the community lately. We will address them in 
1.5, but they should not block the release.
- 1.5 release criteria or QA test summary could include community feedback to 
reflect more of the community's opinion . Action item for Song: review 1.5 
release criteria.
- CentOS should be tested more. Many commercial vendors are using CentOS. Will 
consider this when we review the 1.5 release.

* Decision: 1.4 release is a go.

Thank you all, and congratulations to the team and everyone involved in this 

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