Sean, ScottR, Beth, MichaelH, Bjorn, Christian, Tom, Kevin, Darren, Paul, 
Denys, LaurentiuP, AlexG, AlexD, Richard, Saul, JeffP, MarkH, Nitin, Jaap, 
Ross, Song


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.3.2 Status - 5 min (Ross)
  - In QA testing. One bug open for it, but not that critical.
  - ScottR: have some commits for 1.3.2. Ross will get back to ScottR on this.
  - Beth: will rebuild the meta-intel BSPs for this release today.
* Yocto 1.4.1 Status - 5 min (Paul)
  - still going to pull in Dylan next branch, running some AB build. Had a 
number of issues. Working on them. Some got solutions, some still 
investigating. Hope to have an answer for these problems in the next couple of 

* Yocto 1.5 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  - Will have weekly build later this week.
  - total open bug count stands at 268 as of last Sunday. Relatively stable.

* SWAT team rotation: Beth -> Paul
* Opens - 10 min
  - Paul: UK number for the tech number is wrong. Denys will check (Song 
already updated the meeting invite for this)
  - AlexG: QA mailing list. Would like to have QA discussion list. Would like 
to use a tag on the subject line '[QA]'.  We can create a dedicated mailing 
list later if needed. (No objections, QA team will move ahead with this)
  - Beth:
    . We need to get things ready before a build. Mainly poky.conf. Beth will 
update online wiki/doc for this and send out email. Will remind point release 
maintainers for this too.
    . RC number gets confusing. We should not be needing to do 3 re-spins one 
week. We will number RCs with numbers only and drop the 'respin' part.
    . Meta-intel is coming out today. If you have any third party BSP you would 
like to put out. Please let me know ahead of the time.
* Team Sharing - 20 min
 - Paul: other than patches for 1.4.1, fixing some bugs. Implementing 1.5 
features. Update some recipes for meta-webserver. LAMP stack. Mysql recipe. 
Using 5.1. Shall we move to other db? Who's using it? Jaap: getting Postgresql 
working on Angstrome. But it's supported poorly. Would like to have 9.4. Darren 
and Ross also needs a Postgresql recipe. Jaap is working on the recipe. Will 
send email to oe-develop mailing list if needed.
  - MichaelH: tomorrow will be gone at the data center. Adding new hardware to 
increase bandwidth. Some downtime coming (tomorrow, at most 10 minutes, half 
hour for build server) on AB. Will announce on the yocto mailing list and IRC 
  - Sean: Saul will be presenting in LinuxCon Japan, Anyone else? Jessica and 
ScottG will be there for Yocto and Minnow too.
  - Ramana: Binary package feed 
( Marked as future now. 
Would like to continue with the discussion and implementation. Will have 
resources to work on this sometime in the future.
    . HOB component is not right for this one, Paul will re-categorize.
    . Would like to have more details on this. Suggest to split the bug into a 
few deliverables. (Ramana will follow up).

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