I'm looking to build an image along with a cross-compiler SDK so I've
been looking through the documentation for this. I've been left with
two things I'm unclear on.

1) The difference between meta-toolchain and meta-toolchain-sdk. I've
looked at the recipes and meta-toolchain-sdk is provided by a
meta-toolchain-gmae recipe, a google search says GMAE is the "GNOME
Mobile & Embedded Initiative (GMAE) software stack". Unless I've
missed something this isn't in the documentation and isn't obvious
from the bitbake output. I assume that what I want is just
meta-toolchain but it may be work clarifying this.

2) Building meta-toolchain for multiple targets. I can build images
and package feeds for multiple targets by setting MACHINE in
local.conf, doing a build, changing MACHINE and then doing another
build. This leaves images and packages for both targets in the
tmp/deploy/{images,ipk} directories and looks sensible. If I build
meta-toolchain then change MACHINE and build meta-toolchain again, the
packages in tmp/deploy/ipk/x86_64-nativesdk and the archive in
tmp/deploy/sdk appear to be overwritten. I think this is especially an
issue for different variants of the same platform, I'm looking at
beagleboard, raspberrypi and qemuarm, all of which are ARM
architectures. I could try naming the SDK archive by machine but
there'd be a lot of overlap in the contents of the SDKs, it'd be
really great to be able to generate a common SDK archive and then
archives of just the machine-specific bits. Has anyone else tried
producing SDKs for multiple target machines and if so do you have any
thoughts on this?


Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
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