Saul, Sean, ScottR, MarkH, Kevin, Nitin, LaurentiuP, Tom, Cristian, JeffP, 
PaulE, RichardP, AlexD, Belen, Ross, Beth, Corneliu, BjörnS, Song


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* 1.3.2 status (Ross)
  - Everything looks fine in testing. QA report is already out.
  - Beth needs release note: feature and know issues. Ross will get that this 
* 1.4.1 status (Paul)
  - Sent out tested patches series. One sent out to bitbake list, others sent 
to oe-core mailing list. There is one extra patch. Pending review. There will 
at least one more bounce. Still have 5 bugs plus 1 doc bugs. Looking fine for 
June 19th RC1.
* Yocto 1.5 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  . Open Bug#, WDD looks fine. M1 progressing as normal.
  . M1 dates: feature complete - 6/2. RC1 - 6/5
* SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross
* Opens - 10 min
* Team Sharing - 20 min
  - Beth: last week spent some time with Women Outreach Program interns. We 
will have an intern for the next 3 month starting in June. Should be working on 
security stuff.
  - Saul: M1 gcc 4.8 updated. Mostly there. One outstanding issue. Sent an 
email to oe-core list. Bruce does not have cycles for this. Anyone can help? 
Will be travelling next week to LinuxCon Japan with ScottG and Jessica.
  - MichaelH: installed 10Gbits network card for our storage backend. 
Eliminates the network problem. Will be adding more storage capacity to 
accommodate growing data. Having this network update to help that. OE mailing 
lists are on YP hardware.
  - RP: looking at some bitbake changes, need re-architecture, task 
configuration around the server. There are some patches on the mailing list 
now. Hash cut down to 10 chars from 40 chars.

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