Andrei, Darren, Cristian, Foo Chien, ScottR, Richard, TomZ, KevinS, DaveST, 
Jessica, Ross, Belen, Paul, LaurentiuP, Corneliu, Nitin, BruceA, SongL


* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.4.1 status (Paul)
  . RC1 build is done last night. One failure, parallel build/install with 
systemd. Still investigating, it's uncommon race condition.
  . QA can get started on this week. Paul's call when to pass the build to QA.
* Yocto 1.5 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  . Bug fixing: open bugs: 299, fixed 33.
  . WRS QA report is out: 4566 routerstation pro issue. 3936/3937: beagleboard 
  . M1 report is coming out. Expect a release readiness meeting sometime this 
week. In the morning US time.
  . Second week of M2, if you have not done the planning for M2, please do so.
  . Patches came out last Friday. Bitbake shell scripts changes, build own 
version of tar/git packages. Reached a point where we require minimum version 
for python, tar, git etc. python 2.7.3 now. We can use tarballs for these 
packages on systems not meeting the requirement. Will use same mechanism to 
upgrade from 2.7.3 to python 3. which can get rid of messy compatibility code.
  . AB Plan: build master with installed tarballs. Take sanity test patches and 
run MUT sometime today.
* SWAT team rotation: Cristian -> Andrei Dinu
* Opens - 10 min
* Team Sharing - 20 min
 - Cristian: adding file browser in build appliance. Associating it with 
different type of files. File manager added, there's some progress with screen 
shots in bugzilla. 2370.
 - MichaelH: new security update on the website, some general improvements are 
in place. Working on bugzilla extensions for doc change process . New sdk 
generated on master, running python 2.6.6. Release timeline added to the graph, 
will have those on the charts this week. (Great work, Michael!).
 - Darren: minnow update. RC3 released for the BSP. Firmware release is RC4. 
working through production process. Hardware solid, firmware working. Watch the 
websites for the final launch day.

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