On 19 June 2013 10:51, Rohit2 Jindal <rohit2.jin...@aricent.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am facing issue in building sysconfig. Actually i want to compile 
> everything with root permissions in yocto. Is there anything that supports it.
> Eg say i have binary called build-ucore with root permission but i am not 
> able to execute this binary using default yocto permissions in do_compile or 
> do_configure
> Can i change yocto default permission or run yocto with SU permissions .

What does your binary need root permissions for? The yocto build steps
are executed under pseudo which basically means they're pretending to
be root. Are you sure you need root permissions on the host (not the
target filesystem) to run your binary?

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list with a public archive.

Paul Barker

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