Yes... I thought the same and so, I made two build directories , one for
sysvinit and the other for systemd and the errors I get abosulte no error
when I try to *populate_sdk* under sysvinit but I get the following errors
when I run the same under systemd.

*| The following packages have unmet dependencies:*
*|  udev-dev : Depends: udev (= 182-r7) but 1:204-r0 is to be installed*
*|             Recommends: libusb-dev but it is not installable*
*|             Recommends: module-init-tools-dev but it is not installable*
*|             Recommends: libkmod-dev but it is not installable*
*| E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.*
*| DEBUG: Python function do_populate_sdk finished*
*| ERROR: Function failed: populate_sdk_image (log file is located at
*ERROR: Task 10
(/home/damarla/openYocto/poky/meta-skidata/recipes-smartcpu/images/, do_populate_sdk) failed with exit code '1'*
*NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4961 tasks of which 4960 didn't need to be
rerun and 1 failed.*
*Summary: 1 task failed:*
*  /home/damarla/openYocto/poky/meta-skidata/recipes-smartcpu/images/, do_populate_sdk*
*Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.*
* *I don't understand why I dont get an error with sysvinit and get an
error here....

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Burton, Ross <> wrote:

> On 19 June 2013 13:08, DAMARLA Satya Swaroop <>
> wrote:
> > I think I had to open the issue as its not closed... Here is more
> > clarity....
> >
> > The issue is I decided the problem may be with init_manager. I did two
> > builds one with sysvinit using traditional Poky distro and other one is
> > uisng systemd using new distribution which is different as we need a new
> > distribution for using systemd
> >
> > .. I didno t get any errors when i build using bitbake -c populate_sdk
> > rootfs-smartcpu with sysvinit and got build errors using systemd...
> >
> > Any possible resons what could have caused failure to build the
> toolchain?
> It really helps when you tell us what the errors are.
> Note that changing DISTRO_FEATURES in an existing build directory
> isn't supported and may well cause problems.
> Ross
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