If you do not trust Arch, you can use something else. That does not mean
there would not be people who update (daily for instance) and fix the
issues coming up.

It is your decision not to trust Archlinux, so do I not with Ubuntu,
Fedora, Debian, and so forth, but that does not mean I would like to rule
them out for not being usable in your case.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Paul Barker <p...@paulbarker.me.uk> wrote:

> On 26 July 2013 11:21, Laszlo Papp <lp...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > may I ask if it is acceptable to target Archlinux host (64 bit) supported
> > any time soon for a release?
> >
> I'm not in any official position within the Yocto project but I do use
> Arch so I'm just putting my tuppence (or 2 cents) in here. I don't
> think it makes sense to call a rolling-release, compiled from source
> and close to bleeding edge distro like Arch (or Gentoo for that
> matter) "supported". The sanity check warning when building Poky was
> what made me decide to spin up a Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS virtual
> machine for doing my important builds as that is a much more stable
> distribution. When a new official release of Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora,
> etc are released, a Poky build can be tested on that release and the
> platform certified as being supported because it's been proven to
> correctly build Poky. How often would you have to test Arch Linux when
> major package updates can occur on any given day?
> Don't get me wrong, I love Arch and use it on my desktop for all
> development work. But for builds I want to be known-good, I push them
> off to a Ubuntu Server virtual machine.
> --
> Paul Barker
> Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
> http://www.paulbarker.me.uk
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