Hi all,

Pulled pork is a Perl script for downloading rules for Snort. It has
dependencies on a lot of little non-standard modules which in turn have
dependencies, etc.

I believe that in theory the modules in the BUILD_REQUIRES variable in
Makefile.PL corresponds to the modules that I should put in the DEPENDS
variable in the corresponding bitbake recipe file. And the modules in the
PREREQ_PM variable in Makefile.PL correspond to the modules that I should
put in the RDEPENDS_${PN} variable in the recipe file. Could someone
correct me if this is wrong, and if so, explain why?

Here's my second question. I will need to be able to have
pulledpork.plavailable to use during the installation of Snort. For
this reason, I have
given the pulledpork recipe and all the modules on which it depends a
native variant. How can I be sure that pulledpork and all the modules on
which it depends will be available for use in the directory for my build
machine when building snort for my target machine? Should getting all the
RDEPENDS_${PN} correct and putting pulledpork-native in the DEPENDS
variable for Snort do it? Or must I do something else?


- mulhern
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