Il 30/08/2013 12:34, Asier ha scritto:
Hello all,

I've just started studying the Yocto project, so I beg your pardon if
this question has been already solved or it's just too easy (RT*M).

I've got a working embedded system running Xenomai v2.5.5. The user
interface has been developed with Qt Embedded. The kernel has been
compiled using the ELinOS Embedded Linux distribution.

Now, I want to change that interface to X11 so that I can use a desktop
manager as well as some other X11 applications. The ELinOS distribution
has an XServer, but it lacks a way of easily adding any desktop manager.
Thus, I’m thinking about using another Linux distribution.

That is how I have found the Yocto project. I think this can be the best
solution for my new system.

Is there any Linux distribution based on the Yocto project that lets me
configure my embedded kernel with Xenomai? If not, has anybody got any
experinece in adding Xenomai to the Yocto project?

I'm using an Atom N270 chipset.

Thanks in advance, best regards,


Dear Asier,
As Yocto project participant and thanks to our experience with Xenomai (and RTAI) we at Koan can help you migrating or integrating any hard real time requirement into Yocto or as custom stand-alone solution creating or adapting a linux distribution with Xorg, and a desktop manager.
Feel free to contact me privately.

Marco Cavallini | KOAN sas | Bergamo - Italia
 embedded and real-time software engineering
Phone:+39-035-255.235 - Fax:+39-178-22.39.748
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