I'm building w/the Arago distribution which contains lighttpd for a web server. 
 I include this in my image as follows:

IMAGE_INSTALL = "packagegroup-core-boot \
lighttpd lighttpd-module-cgi lighttpd-module-compress lighttpd-module-expire \

This installs a default configuration file for the service which I now want to 
customize.  What is the recommended way to overwrite or customize files in 
another package?

Is the best course to create a recipe bbappend for the lighttpd_1.4.31.bb file 
that is being used?  And can I just include a new file with the same name in my 
append and will it overwrite the old one, or do I need to create an actual 
patch file?

Or is it better to create a new separate  recipe that just ships my version of 
the configuration file? How are conflicts handled when two recipes attempt to 
install the same file?

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