On Sep 16, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Rohit2 Jindal <rohit2.jin...@aricent.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Please suggest me the way to git clone from two repos parallel in the same 
> recipe Is possible in yocto .If yes how to do that.
> Eg
> SRC_URI = 
> "git://ep-code.xyz.com/sysconfig.git;branch=xxx-ep-20130823-3.0-alpha;protocol=ssh
> SRC_URI = 
> "git://ep-code.xyz.com/xload.git;branch=xxx-ep-20130823-3.0-alpha;protocol=ssh
> When I tries to do this it unpacks the source downloaded to WORKDIR/git so 
> overwrites the first unpack with the other. So please suggest me the
> way that two download two repos in same recipes with their detstined cloned 
> folder changed to folder with my required naming convention
> instead of generic git name folder in workdir.

you could try using 'subpath' param to git fetcher.

try something like


and see if that helps

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