I am new to Open Embedded and have a requirement where have to set new
build path
while running env.sh script

Now when I do ./env.sh build-xyz-abd

I do get the Directory with name "build-xyz-abd"

which will having local.conf at path build-xyz-abd/conf/local.conf

Now, how do I change build-xyz-abd to build-abd.

What I tried is ,run "./env.sh build-abd"

After that I got the build-abd folder having defualt local.conf file.

But "bitbake image-name"is faling now.

I tried copying "build-xyz-abd/conf/local.conf" to build-abd/conf/local.conf

Do I need to copy the old bblayer file as well??

But still facing the same issue.

Could anybody tell me how can I achieve this??

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