Hi Bob,

We are working on the recipes of Layerscape, the first LS SDK will be released 
in the early of 2014. The LS common recipes will be submitted to 
meta-fsl-ppc/meta-fsl-arm when LS is formally released. 

Regarding meta-fsl-layerscape, it can be published in YP official git 
repository(http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/) and FSL official git 
repository(http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/)?) if no internal git url 
is referred. 

Best Regards,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Cochran [mailto:yo...@mindchasers.com]
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:54 AM
> To: Luo Zhenhua-B19537
> Cc: Yocto discussion list
> Subject: Re: [meta-freescale] The updated proposal of FSL Yocto layers
> reorg - 4-Mar
> Hi Zhenhua,
> Can we get an update on Layerscape?  It's been about 6 months since the
> Yocto layers organization for Layerscape was last talked about on this
> board.
> When will we first see an instance of the stage 2 organization (e.g.,
> meta-fsl-layerscape) in the yocto project source repos
> (http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/)?
> Thanks,
> Bob
> On 03/03/2013 10:48 PM, Luo Zhenhua-B19537 wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have incorporated the comments of previous discussion into the reorg
> > design document, please take a look.
> >
> > *Summary of Yocto reorg*
> >
> > * To support Layerscape release, both ARM architecture and PPC
> > architecture are required to be supported by Yocto.
> >
> > * Currently Yocto support for i.MX SDK and QorIQ SDK are developed and
> > maintained separately, some duplicated packages are not shared between
> > ARM SDK and PPC SDK. And will not be efficient and effective
> > maintained for Layerscape support.
> >
> > * More clear naming of Yocto layers for FSL specific will be helpful
> > for PPC, ARM and Layercape support simultaneously.
> >
> > * Subsequent slides introduces the plan and design of FSL Yocto layers
> > re-org.
> >
> > *FSL Yocto Layers Reorg Diagram*
> >
> > yocto-re-org.png
> >
> > *FSL Yocto Layers Reorg - Stage1*
> >
> > * Stage1:  ~ Jun-2013
> >
> > * Following layers will coexist:
> >
> >    poky: the opensource version
> >
> >    meta-oe: the opensource branch corresponding to poky
> >
> >    meta-virtualization: the opensource virtualization layer
> >
> >    meta-fsl-ppc-toolchain: fsl toolchain recipes
> >
> >    meta-fsl-ppc: fsl public packages for PPC targets
> >
> >    meta-fsl-ppc-private: fsl private packages for PPC targets
> >
> >    meta-fsl-arm: fsl packages for ARM targets
> >
> >    meta-fsl-demos: demo rootfs recipes of ARM targets
> >
> >    meta-fsl-networking: recipes specific to networking SDK
> >
> >    Other necessary upstream layers
> >
> > *FSL Yocto Layers Reorg - Stage2*
> >
> > * Stage2: Jul-2013 ~ Dec-2013
> >
> > * Following change will be made:
> >
> >    Poky/meta-oe/meta-virtualization for opensource are reused
> >
> >   Following architecture specific layers are maintained in
> > git.am.freescale.net,   git.freescale.com and git.yoctoproject.org
> >
> >      meta-fsl-arm: layer for FSL arm machines
> >
> >     meta-fsl-ppc: layer for FSL ppc machines
> >
> >    Following SDK specific layers are maintained in
> > git.am.freescale.net and git.freescale.com
> >
> >      meta-fsl-toolchain: layer for fsl toolchain recipes
> >
> >      meta-fsl-multimedia: layer for multimedia SDK
> >
> >      meta-fsl-networking: layer for networking SDK
> >
> >      meta-fsl-layerscape: layer for layerscape SDK
> >
> > *FSL Yocto Layers Reorg - More info*
> >
> > * Layer of getting layers specific to Freescale SDK
> >
> >    * Layer name: meta-freescale-sdk
> >
> >    * The function of this layer is similar as
> > https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform and it is
> > maintained in FSL internal/external git tree
> >
> >    * A branch is created for each FSL SDK release to include the
> > scripts to fetch necessary layers of specified version
> >
> > * Multiple branch maintain
> >
> >    * Align with the branch policy of poky: denzil, danny, master ...
> >
> >    * A tag of sub-layers will be created for each FSL release
> >
> >    * Upstream / public branches will try to work with all Yocto
> > releases, while SDK releases could contain a lot of hacks to more
> > things working, or pre-release things out there door.
> >
> >    * SDK releases sometimes skip entire Yocto releases (e.g. danny).
> > SDK versions may contain slightly different versions. This comes into
> > play more with oe-core where we don't have official control and we
> > need to include a specific fix for the SDK. Layers themselves tend to
> > have less reason to deviate from the upstream versions since we
> > control both sides so they should be the same.
> >
> > * Meta-fsl-toolchain layer maintain
> >
> >    * This layer is maintained in FSL internal/external git tree
> >
> >    * Directory structure:
> >
> >        meta-fsl-toolchain
> >
> >        |-- meta-gcc4.6-eglib2.13-binutils-2.21a
> >
> >        |-- meta-gcc4.7-eglib2.15-binutils-2.23
> >
> > * SCM
> >
> >    * Unify the mailing list of FSL layers
> >
> >    * Opensource: _meta-freesc...@yoctopoject.org
> > <mailto:meta-freesc...@yoctopoject.org>_**
> >
> > * U-boot/Linux on FSL official git tree (git.freescale.com)
> >
> >   * The source in git.freescale.com will be updated when SDK is
> > formally released, since full verification should be conducted  to
> > ensure quality. So Kernel in FSL official git tree will not be synced
> > with internal git tree during the developing phase.
> >
> >   * The kernel team can't have everything upstreamed for an SDK
> > release and supporting all feature and bug fixes. Besides we will pick
> > a kernel and test and fix it so it will always fall out of sync. (e.g.
> > latest kernel release - 1 release + fixes).
> >
> > * Yocto sync on git.am.freescale.net, gitfrescale.com and
> > git.yoctoproject.org
> >
> >   * These should be much closer to the same for the layers we control.
> > Due to the limited resources spread around, we can't always get all
> > fixes in the oe-core/poky for an SDK release timely. But a lot of
> > times we can get them into the branch for that release and eventually
> > a point release. Upstream/public branches will try to work with all
> > Yocto releases, while SDK releases could contain a lot of hacks to
> > more things working.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Zhenhua
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > meta-freescale mailing list
> > meta-freesc...@yoctoproject.org
> > https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/meta-freescale
> >

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