Hello all,
Is this loading what others on a similar system are experiencing (see

I first was setting my threads to 6 on a AMD 6 core system.
In the mega-manual i found
5.4. Configuring the local.conf File

Briefly, set BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE to twice your host
processor's number of cores.

I am creating an image with 8017 tasks for the beagleboard.
I set threads to 12 and now the build is proceeding much more rapid than
when threads were set to 6.  In 30 minutes the build has completed 2435
tasks or about 25%.
I am seeing a fairly high load 35. 30. 24 and the fan is been at high speed
since the build  started.  The system has 8G of memory and now it is using
and it was using about  13800 of swap space.

Any and all help will be appreciated.
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