Hi khem

i am not able to find the link from where i can download "IBM's proprietary
JRE J9 for ppc" can you please provide me the link.

Sonia Verma

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 10:35 PM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:56 AM, sonia verma <soniaverma9...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Khem
> >
> > Actually I'm runninng JAVA based Opendaylight controller on powerpc
> > architecture with zero ineterpreter mode and it takes about 10 min to
> start.
> >
> yes. I dont think there are much possibilities there. You can try
> IBM's proprietary JRE J9 for ppc and see
> if that works on FSL machine. That should get you performance
> > On the another hand when I run it on x-86 machine,in hardly takes few
> > seconds to start.
> yes. because for x86 you are able to use hotspot JVM
> >
> > Board supporting java:
> > java version "1.7.0_25"
> > OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.12) (25b30-2.3.12)
> > OpenJDK Zero VM (build 23.7-b01, interpreted mode)
> >
> > Java -version at x-86 is as follows..
> > java -version
> > java version "1.7.0_25"
> > OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.10)
> (7u25-2.3.10-1ubuntu0.12.04.2)
> > OpenJDK Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)
> >
> > 2013-10-31 01:00:03.508 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.s.binding.impl.BrokerActivator - Binding Aware Broker initialized
> > osgi> 2013-10-31 01:00:04.374 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.c.s.internal.
> > ClusterManager - I'm a GossipRouter will listen on 1
> > 2013-10-31 01:00:04.611 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.c.s.internal.ClusterManager - Started GossipRouter
> > GossipRouter started at Thu Oct 31 01:00:04 UTC 2013
> > Listening on port 12001 bound on address
> > Backlog is 1000, linger timeout is 2000, and read timeout is 0
> > 2013-10-31 01:00:04.612 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.c.s.internal.ClusterManager - Starting the ClusterManager
> > 2013-10-31 01:00:13.639 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.c.i.ConfigurationService - ConfigurationService Manager init
> > 2013-10-31 01:00:15.782 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.n.i.osgi.NetconfImplActivator - Starting TCP netconf server at
> > /127.0.3
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:17 AM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener
> init
> > INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal
> > performance in production environments was not found on the java.librarb
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:22 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init
> > INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:23 AM
> > org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener createMBeans
> > SEVERE: No global naming context defined for server
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:23 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService
> > startInternal
> > INFO: Starting service Catalina
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:23 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine
> > startInternal
> > INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/7.0.32
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:00:23 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
> > INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
> > 2013-10-31 01:01:46.580 UTC [ConfigPersister-registrator] INFO
> > o.o.c.n.p.i.ConfigPersisterNotificationHandler - Session id received from
> > net1
> > 2013-10-31 01:01:46.587 UTC [ConfigPersister-registrator] INFO
> > o.o.c.n.p.i.ConfigPersisterNotificationHandler - No last config provided
> by
> > b]
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:08 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:09 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Flows'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:35 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:35 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:52 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:02:52 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:03:22 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:03:23 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'RootGUI'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:03:44 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:03:44 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Devices'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:01 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:01 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:17 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:17 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:38 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:38 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Troubleshoot'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:48 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:04:48 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> >
> org.opendaylight.controller.networkconfig.neutron.northbound.NeutronNorthboundRSApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:05 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:05 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:21 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:21 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:45 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:05:45 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
> > INFO: Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'Topology'
> > 2013-10-31 01:05:48.392 UTC [Start Level Event Dispatcher] INFO
> > o.o.c.s.t.provider.ToasterProvider - Provider Session initialized
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:03 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:03 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:06.154 UTC [ControllerI/O Thread] INFO
> > o.o.c.p.o.core.internal.ControllerIO - Controller is now listening on
> > any:6633
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:07.050 UTC [ControllerI/O Thread] INFO
> > o.o.c.p.o.core.internal.Controller - Switch: is
> connected
> > to the r
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:07 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:07 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> >
> org.opendaylight.controller.containermanager.northbound.ContainerManagerNorthboundRSApplication
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:10.563 UTC [ControllerI/O Thread] INFO
> > o.o.c.p.o.core.internal.Controller - Switch: is
> connected
> > to the r
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.369 UTC [pool-13-thread-1] INFO
> > o.o.c.f.i.ForwardingRulesManager - Forwarding mode for node
> > OF|00:00:00:04:9f:02:a3:e3 se
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.371 UTC [pool-13-thread-1] WARN
> > o.o.c.f.i.ForwardingRulesManager - Failed to remove Proactive Static
> flow:
> > __Punt ARP__
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.372 UTC [pool-13-thread-1] WARN
> > o.o.c.f.i.ForwardingRulesManager - Failed to remove Proactive Static
> flow:
> > __Punt LLDP__
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.373 UTC [pool-13-thread-1] WARN
> > o.o.c.f.i.ForwardingRulesManager - Failed to remove Proactive Static
> flow:
> > __Catch-All D_
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.753 UTC [fileinstall-./plugins] INFO
> > o.o.c.s.l.i.LoadBalancerService - Running container name:default
> > 2013-10-31 01:06:12.756 UTC [fileinstall-./plugins] INFO
> > o.o.c.s.l.i.LoadBalancerService - ConfigManager [vips={}, pools={}]
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:20 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:20 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:27 AM
> > com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl _initiate
> > INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.17 01/17/2013
> 03:31
> > PM'
> > Oct 31, 2013 1:06:27 AM
> >
> com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.DeferredResourceConfig$ApplicationHolder
> > <init>
> > INFO: Instantiated the Application class
> > org.opendaylight.controller.northbound.commons.NorthboundApplication.
> >
> > I have read that enabling shark would speed up the process. Please help
> in
> > tackling the above issue
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Khem Raj <raj.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:08 AM, sonia verma <soniaverma9...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi ALL,
> >> >
> >> > I have integrated Java in one of the board having Powerpc architecture
> >> > using
> >> > meta-java. By default it cam with Zero port support which only works
> in
> >> > interpreter mode.
> >> >
> >> > I need to enable Shark support in that. Can any one please help me
> with
> >> > the
> >> > procedure to compile JAVA with Shark support.
> >>
> >> zero is the best option you have. Shark wont work on ppc.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Regards
> >> >
> >> > Sonia Verma
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > yocto mailing list
> >> > yocto@yoctoproject.org
> >> > https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto
> >> >
> >
> >
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