I'm building a custom kernel, and I think I'm nearly there.  I'm seeing an
error when running mkimage.  bitbake is complaining about an architecure
mismatch, but I don't know which files it is comparing, or if the mismatch
really matters (32bit x86 vs 64bit x86 or whatever)

Here's the error string:

WARNING: File '/usr/src/kernel/mkimage' from linux-yocto-custom was already
stripped, this will prevent future debugging!

ERROR: QA Issue: Architecture did not match (40 to 3) on

ERROR: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them.

ERROR: Function failed: do_package_qa

ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:

ERROR: Task 18
linux-yocto-custom_2.6.39.bb, do_package) failed with exit code '1'

I'm building on a 64 bit linux platform, I don't know if that makes a

Thanks all.  I'm nearly there!

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