Running out of idea

Any would like to give some suggestion here?


On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 3:37 PM, rajan pathak <>wrote:

> Thanks Bernard
> I tried patching the shadow file but couldn't make it work
> My requirement is specific ,wanted to modify /etc/shadow file of rootfs
> I don't know how /etc/shadow file is getting generated in my rootfs,though
> I know the whole
> Process of how /etc/passwd file is generated in my roofs .
> Inside poky I have a recipe file which will generally fetches the
> passwd.master from web and copy it to
> /etc/passwd file of my rootfs .
> But couldn't find any such process for /etc/shadow file
> I have to disable one of the user account and that requires asterisk(*) to
> be put in second column of user-specific line.
> For example in /etc/shadow have to change
> my_user::0:0....
> to
> my_ user:*:0:0...
> + Khem Raj here as he made most of work of shadow packaging in poky
> Thanks
> Rajan
> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Bernard Mentink <>wrote:
>> Just make a /recipe-extended/ directory in your layer so it looks the
>> same as the original. Then add a"files" directory with your new file, then
>> add in a .bbappend file that
>> looks for extra files in "files", then you are done.
>> Have a look in other .bbappend of how to just add in new files, you will
>> find lot's of examples in other layers ..
>> Cheers,
>> bernie
>> On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 2:14 AM, rajan pathak <>wrote:
>>> I have to make some changes to my /etc/shadow file,
>>> I Can see shadow  file is from poky/meta/recipe-extended,so to change
>>> this file
>>> do I have to apply patch or what?
>>> Thanks
>>> Rajan
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