On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Nathan Rossi <nathan.ro...@xilinx.com>wrote:

> Reverting this commit on the top of master results in a functional build.
> I've done some 'bitbake -e' scanning with and without the above commit, and
> I cannot see any differences between the variables that are changed in the
> meta-xilinx .bbappends files. So it does not appear to be a problem in
> non-inclusion of the bbappend files, and the ordering of the inclusion
> appears to be correct as well.
> Before I dive any deeper into the bitbake change itself I was hoping
> someone might have seen this issue previously or has some insight.

just a wild guess... but could it be because gcc-cross and
gcc-cross-initial both start with 'gcc-cross', hence the regexp in this new
commit is catching them twice? i am referring to this:

-        if f in self.appendlist:
-            return self.appendlist[f]
-        return []
+        for bbappend in self.appendlist:
+            if bbappend in f or ('%' in bbappend and
+                self.appliedappendlist.append(bbappend)
+                for filename in self.appendlist[bbappend]:
+                    filelist.append(filename)
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