I approve of this. It would certainly help us with figuring out why
builds error out if it's distro specific.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Michael Halstead
<mich...@yoctoproject.org> wrote:
> On 11/25/2013 07:01 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> On Friday 22 November 2013 15:43:58 Michael Halstead wrote:
>>> Currently all builders are simply named ab00-ab13 based on when we
>>> acquired them. The name doesn't change except for ab01 which has been
>>> reused on new hardware. As we increase the number of builders and make
>>> the build process more flexible this becomes inconvenient. I'd like to
>>> switch to embedding useful information in the name.
>>> Going forward as I refresh builders I'd like to name them with their
>>> distro and location.
>>> For example at OSL:
>>> fedora19.osl.yoctoproject.org
>>> fedora20.osl.yoctoproject.org
>>> opensuse131.osl.yoctoproject.org
>>> ubuntu1310.osl.yoctoproject.org
>>> etc.
>>> And if we added a build clusters in the EasyStreet datacenter in Portland:
>>> centos64.pdx.yoctoproject.org
>>> debian7.pdx.yoctoproject.org
>>> etc.
>>> This allows for additional build clusters to be added and makes the
>>> distro clear to anyone viewing the logs. The current available build
>>> slaves can be found on the relevant cluster's buildbot interface
>>> (http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/main/buildslaves) so as names
>>> change there is an easy place to look them up.
>>> Comments?
>> I guess this works fine until you want to have two builders with the same
>> distro. Maybe we plan not to do that anymore...?
> I've been asked to run many different distros in order to find distro
> specific incompatibilities and bugs. So ideally we wouldn't have two
> builders running the same distro and version in the same location.
> Sometimes when refreshing all of the builders at once we will install
> the same software on all of them to speed up the process. They were all
> openSUSE for awhile 2 years ago and they are all Fedora at the moment.
> In these cases, should they arise again, I would append a letter to
> distinguish the hostname.
> fedora20.osl.yoctoproject.org
> fedora20-a.osl.yoctoproject.org
> fedora20-b.osl.yoctoproject.org
> fedora20-c.osl.yoctoproject.org
>> Cheers,
>> Paul
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