On 10 December 2013 20:38, Edward Vidal <vidal.devel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a poky tree that I have used for several builds.
> What is the command to clean out the poky/build/tmp area.
> I am on the dylan branch.  My conf files are configured and my custom-image
> are okay.
> I want to pull meta-oe, meta-broswer, and meta-xiiinx, and poky with a clean
> work area.
> Can I just delete poky/build or poky/build/tmp?

Deleting poky/build/tmp is safe assuming that you've copied out
everything you want to keep (images, etc).  By default sstate-cache is
next to tmp not underneath it, so the first build after wiping tmp
will be reconstructed from sstate instead of needing to recompile

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