MarkH, Matthew, ScottR, Bruce, IonutC, JeffP, Richard, Ross, Nitin, Jessica, MichaelH, Belen, Beth, AlexD

* Opens collection - 5 min (Saul)
* Yocto 1.6 status - 10 min (Song/team)
  - Pretty slow through the holiday season, patches merged that
  - bug fixing: WDD number is high. If you have time available during the break, please help out on bug fixing.
    . Saul, at the end of M2, will have one week (1/13-1/17) bug fixing sprint week.
  - 1.5.1: QA Complete, Working on release notes, Plan release by end of week
  - 1.4.3: Plan for post M2

  - Build/Beth:Saul, MUT last night, looking good.

* SWAT team rotation: Beth/Saul -> Paul

* Opens - 10 min
 Beth - Autobuilder git fetcher work, testing in progress, not backwards compatible for AB code

* Team Sharing - 20 min

Paul: Openembedded layer index is know broken since mid-Dec, being worked on my Michael and Paul

Michael: LayerIndex fix and Fedora20 Machine into AB Farm.

Vali Cobelea (ENEA): Will OE have CarrierGrade Features, MarkH said no plans since it's WR code and would require certification someone to maintain it.  Smaller parts might be available in meta-openembedded.
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