Hello, I am using an Intel Galileo board with a linux distribution (LINUX_IMAGE_FOR_SD_Intel_Galileo_v0.7.5) and I want to install new packages. I think opkg is the package manager on this OS but I don't know how to use it. I have an internet connection on the Galileo but I don't know how to add a repository url to have more packages available. For example, I want to install openhab on the board, where can I found it and do I have to add it in the /etc/opkg/opkg.conf file?
Another issue I have is about java. Does this distribution have Java on it? If not where can I get it to intall it on the Galileo? Sincerely, -- *Laurène GuelorgetElève ingénieur en 5ème année à Polytech'Grenoble <http://www.polytech-grenoble.fr>* *Filière Réseaux Informatiques et Communication Multimédia Spécialité "**Réseau et **Système"* *Rejoignez moi sur LinkedIn. <http://fr.linkedin.com/pub/laur%C3%A8ne-guelorget/68/9aa/89a>*
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