
Thank you for the answer, but now I have another problem. Since I need to
run java
on the Intel Galileo, I downloaded the Yocto OS "Full_SDK_OpenJDK6" but I
seem to boot on this OS. I connect the Galileo on the computer but the
serial port
is not recognized, even after waiting half an hour. This is strange because
with the
smaller OS (LINUX_IMAGE_FOR_SD_Intel_Galileo), I didn't have this issue.


2014-02-13 14:02 GMT+01:00 Farquhar, Paul W <paul.w.farqu...@intel.com>:

> Hi Laurène
> for opkg on Galileo have a look here:
> https://communities.intel.com/message/221209
> Generally there is a lot of Galileo information to be found here:
> https://communities.intel.com/community/makers
> You may not be aware that there are currently two BSP updates to 0.7.5,
> the latest is 0.9.0
> https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=23197
> If you don't want to build an image yourself and add Java, here is a link
> where apparently that has already been done:
> Yocto Project Linux for Intel Galileo with SDKs, JDK, JVM and Tomcat.
> http://ccc.ntu.edu.tw/index.php/en/news/40
> Regards,
> Paul
> Intel GmbH
> Dornacher Strasse 1
> 85622 Feldkirchen/Muenchen, Deutschland
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> Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Lamprechter, Hannes Schwaderer, Douglas Lusk
> Registergericht: Muenchen HRB 47456
> Ust.-IdNr./VAT Registration No.: DE129385895
> Citibank Frankfurt a.M. (BLZ 502 109 00) 600119052
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*Laurène GuelorgetElève ingénieur en 5ème année à Polytech'Grenoble

*Filière Réseaux Informatiques et Communication MultimédiaSpécialité "**Réseau
et **Système"*
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