
I was directed to this mailing list by guys to be met on OpenEmbedded irc channels.

Asking mine questions on mailing list will allow me to communicate all concerns and

needed details in more convenient way.

I am new to BitBake and OpenEmbedded.

The project's source directory structure show some Yocto elements,

on another hand some elements documented in Yocto manual are missing here.

Therefore, I guess the project is not based.

Manual of build system used in project provided SoC's vendor

does make a reference merely to BitBake and OpenEmbedded.

SoC's vendor name is not be met in Yocto project web.

Therefore, I guess the project is not based on Yocto.

I seems rather to be BitBake and OpenEmbedded based

and in some extend to be proprietary.

I didn't consult with the project owner the project details to be allowed

to communicate in scope of this inquiry, e.g.: the SoC name.

So please have understanding for avoiding giving such details.

If there will be a need me will check appropriate measures.

If it comes to BB / OE I am an user and a newbie.

I am also new if it comes to building/deploying/distributing the software

for linux, embedded linux.

Thus the wording used by me will frequently be incorrect or inaccurate.

I apologize that.

I encounter some issues while trying to build the applications package

according to own needs. That piece of soft is a user space application and

was implemented in scope of the project.

Me consulted the BitBake user manual in order to solve the issue.

However, further questions arise when to consult that manual.

Than the guys to be met on OE irc channels directed me

to Yocto reference manual which didn't help much.

It generates more new questions than answers the existing ones.

There are the mentioned application (user space) and some

pre-build library (at this moment unclear if kernel or user space,
actually it might be irrelevant, or not?). The application is aimed to use library.

At build time however the included header file cannot be found.

Thus me will have questions of two kinds:

* closing gaps in understanding regarding related BB aspects

* possible reasons of encountered probs while building and

  possible solutions

Will it be fine to ask these questions in this mailing list?

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