Hi all,

musl-libc hit version 1.0.0 yesterday and is starting to look good to
me. It's basically a really small but very functional libc that would
suit embedded environments very well as an alternative to
eglibc/uclibc. I'm personally very interested in using it in my
projects and I also think it could fit in well with the aims of

http://www.etalabs.net/compare_libcs.html gives some pretty useful info.

I'm basically emailing to see if anyone else is interested in this or
if anyone has looked at using it before in OpenEmbedded as a google
for previous discussions didn't turn anything up.

I'm currently very busy between various projects so I don't have time
to hack together a musl-libc recipe myself but I should have time to
help test it.


Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
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