
I am on poky/dylan, and I recently did something to really screw up my local 
build and I'm trying to figure out how to recover.  I have a custom image which 
is core-image-minimal plus a few packages for my needs.  For a target device 
running my latest built image, the target recognizes USB devices but does not 
automount a USB stick.  Also, my target device does not have a /dev/disk 
directory, which I assume means udev is not doing some things it should.

I have a local git repository of all layers which I'm using to tag my local 
releases.  The most likely candidate for my problem is after my last release, I 
tried building with systemd for init just to see how that works, differences in 
image size, etc.  Specifically, I added: 

DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " systemd"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemd"

to my configuration.  After the systemd test build, I deleted these three lines 
from my configuration and rebuilt the image to revert back to sysVinit.  
Everything seems to work on my system except USB stick automounting.  The only 
other core function modification I see since my last release was a 
configuration change I'd made to Busbox, which I also have reverted.  I did a 
bitbake -c cleanall of all the installed packages on my image (at least I 
thought so) and rebuilt the image.  Even after the clean rebuild, I still have 
the issue with the USB stick not automounting and no /dev/disk directory on the 

Any ideas on what else needs to be cleaned out or rebuilt?  I've been trying to 
avoid deleting the entire tmp/ directory, but I will if that looks to be the 
best solution.

Bryan Evenson
yocto mailing list

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