Hi all,

I am looking into collecting feedback on the first version of Toaster


which will be out with Yocto Project 1.6. There are 2 things I'd like to

1) Dogfooding

Once the release is out, it would be great to have people trying Toaster
for real work stuff, and telling us how it went. I am of course
particularly keen on hearing about what's wrong, so feel free to vent your
frustrations with the thing.

2) (More formal) usability testing

I am also looking into validating the Toaster interface in more
conventional ways, which means usability testing. This is done in
30-minute sessions run remotely using screen sharing software, although we
can also do it in person if you are going to ELC or the OEDAM. During
those 30 minutes you will be asked to do some stuff with Toaster and to
speak your mind a lot. I will also ask for your permission to record the
session, which you can of course refuse.

If you would like to volunteer for this (which is useful and important
stuff), get in touch with me (I am belen in IRC, or email me). I would
normally give out something in return for your time, but things are tight
right now, so I'm afraid all you'll get on this occasion is a heartwarming
thank you.



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