On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:23:31PM -0400, Denys Dmytriyenko wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:55:08AM -0400, Patrick Doyle wrote:
> > The BSP guide gives the following helpful tip for installing a custom
> > /etc/network/interfaces file (see
> > https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/bsp-guide/bsp-guide.html#customizing-a-recipe-for-a-bsp
> > -- and thank you, BTW -- that addressed a specific problem I needed to
> > solve):
> > 
> > 1. Edit the init-ifupdown_1.0.bbappend file so that it contains the 
> > following:
> > 
> >      FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
> >      PRINC := "${@int(PRINC) + 2}"
> > 
> > 
> > The append file needs to be in the meta-xyz/recipes-core/init-ifupdown
> > directory.
> > 
> > 2. Create and place the new interfaces configuration file in the BSP's
> > layer here:
> > 
> >      meta-xyz/recipes-core/init-ifupdown/files/xyz/interfaces
> > 
> > In my continuing attempt to understand the mindset of Yocto
> > practitioners, I would appreciate any light folks can shed on this... it
> > opens up so many questions to me...
> > 
> > 1) Why does FILESEXTRAPATHS exist?  The documentation says, "You can
> > extend FILESPATH variable by using FILESEXTRAPATHS."  Errr, can't one
> > extend FILESPATH with
> > 
> > FILESPATH = "blah:" + $FILESPATH
> > 
> > or
> > FILESPATH_prepend = "blah:"
> > 
> > I see that the documentation for FILESPATH specifically states:
> > 
> > "Do not hand-edit the FILESPATH variable. If you want the build system
> > to look in directories other than the defaults, extend the FILESPATH
> > variable by using the FILESEXTRAPATHS variable."
> > 
> > but that doesn't help me understand why this method is preferred for
> > extending FILESPATH.
> > 
> > 2) Why does PRINC exist?  The documentation says that PRINC "causes
> > the PR variable of .bbappend files to dynamically increment" and that
> > "This increment minimizes the impact of layer ordering."  I guess that
> > means that the init-ifupdown_1.0.bb file has some revision (which I
> > think is "1.0") and that, when my .bbappend file is appended to it,
> > causes the recipe to effectively be "3.0".  Why do I care?  If there
> > is an "init-ifupdown_5.0.bb" file someplace in my search path, won't I
> > get that one anyway?  How does this minimize the impact of layer
> > ordering?
> That is PV (package version) you are thinking of. But PRINC increments PR 
> (package revision).
> PR is not used in the recipe names, but rather in resulting binary packages. 
> So your init-ifupdown_1.0.bb/bbappend will result in a binary package of 
> init-ifupdown_1.0-r0_<arch/mach>.ipk/rpm
> That portion -r0 will be incremented, becoming -r2 or the original+2 (can be 
> any number)
> PV usually corresponds to changes in the sources, while PR corresponds to 
> changes in the recipe. If a recipe is composed from multiple parts (.inc file 
> or .bbappend) you may want to distinguish that.
> As an alternative, some distro chose to append a more meaningful suffix to PR 
> instead of just incrementing PR. I.e. our Arago distro appends "-aragoX" 
> where 
> X is the number of revisions we made in our distro on top of the main recipe. 
> The end result of the package version will be "3.5-r6-arago2". It means the 
> sources for the package are of version 3.5, the main recipe was updated 6 
> times and there were also 2 more recipe bbappend updates by the distro...
> It's a common practice in Linux Distro world - Ubuntu uses the same 
> principle, 
> when updating packages inherited from Debian, e.g. bash_4.1-2ubuntu3_i386.deb

Ah, and forgot to mention the new way of dealing with PR increments:

> > Oh yeah, and why increment by 2?  Why not 1, or pi?
> > 
> > I guess I only had 2 questions... but 1,000,000 subquestions :-)
> > 
> > Thanks for any tips you can give me.
> > 
> > --wpd
> > -- 
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