Attendees: Stephen, Armin, Jessica, Scott, Matthew, Tom, Belen, Ross, Paul, 
Jefro, Mark, Michael B., Alex, Richard, Michael H., Saul, Nitin,

* Opens collection - 5 min (Stephen)

Armin - When is the best time to request package updates? Saul controls this 
and usually drives it.  We have a package tracking system and we try to upgrade 
a number of them early in the release cycle.

Scott - Docs are closed for change as of the end of today for 1.6.

Rob - Version numbers and names?  Release names are at:

* Yocto 1.6 status - 5 min (Stephen/team)

YP 1.6 Status -We had a boot problem with BeagleBone board on rc4.  The fix for 
just this should finish QA today.  We should be able to ship by the end of the 

YP 1.5.2 Status - We did a build over the weekend and saw issues with it.  6 to 
7 failures were found, we haven't root caused the issues but we will do another 
build as soon as patches are in to cover it.

YP 1.7 Planning - We are planning the schedule for 1.7 at this time.  If you 
have 1.7 features you want included, please submit enhancement requests now!

YP 1.6.1 Planning - We are planning to schedule a slot in the 1.7 schedule for 
1.6.1, but no critical patches yet drive us to this release.

* SWAT team rotation: Laurentiu -> Nitin

* Opens - 10 min

* Team Sharing - 10 min
Michael - The Error report web is up and running.

No meeting next week since most are at ELC or traveling.


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:          (503) 712-0534
*    Cell:                                (208) 244-4460
* Email:                   

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