Hello Community,
This is my first question please excuse if I'm making a silly mistake. I am
just starting learning the yocto project to develop custom linux os. I was
following the few commands to download and setup poky on my build system
from the quick start guide at .

$ git clone http://git.yoctoproject.org/git/poky
     $ cd poky
     $ git checkout -b daisy origin/daisy
     $ source oe-init-build-env

Executing the last line gives me the following issue

kashyap@Kashyap-VAIO:/media/kashyap/3E0800DC08009555/yocto/poky$ ls
> bitbake        meta-selftest   oe-init-build-env         scripts
> documentation  meta-skeleton   oe-init-build-env-memres
> LICENSE        meta-yocto      README
> meta           meta-yocto-bsp  README.hardware
> kashyap@Kashyap-VAIO:/media/kashyap/3E0800DC08009555/yocto/poky$ source
>> oe-init-build-env
> bash:
>> /media/kashyap/3E0800DC08009555/yocto/poky/scripts/oe-setup-builddir:
>> Permission denied
> kashyap@Kashyap-VAIO:/media/kashyap/3E0800DC08009555/yocto/poky$
I tried searching over the internet about the possible issues but couldn't
figure out the problem here.
Anyone please help.
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