This are indeed some very good news Alex J Lennon.
I have some questions, but those maybe can be answered by the
maintainers of the meta-raspberrypi layer:
Why was this change done?
     -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
     -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
     +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "userland"
     +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "userland"
How it may affect other applications?
Andrei: Do you have any input on this?


On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Alex J Lennon <> wrote:

> On 26/05/2014 19:40, Alexandru Vaduva wrote:
> > It`s really hard to just offer impressions or suggestion.
> > Also I agree with the fact that the camera is ok cause I also tested
> > it with raspbian. No problems there.
> > But never the less I hope to keep me posted on any progress and
> > observations.
> > When I will have the time I will try some things of my own.
> >
> > Alex
> I've made a certain amount of progress with this Alex.
> 1) I've been comparing Raspbian with a Yocto meta-raspberrypi armhf
> build, as raspivid works for me with Raspbian, but not with my
> meta-raspberrypi poky build.
>      To cut a long story short the raspivid in Raspian is v1.3.9 and it
> comes from raspiberrypi/firmware which as you know is the binary-only
> release
>      If I copy only the raspivid executable from the Raspbian
> installation over to the Yocto installation then raspivid runs up ok,
> shows the cam onscreen and so forth.
>      (so shared libs, config and so forth all would seem to be fine)
>      I tried building the same v1.3.9 version of raspivid from the
> userland repository, but I get the same error as before,
> root@raspberrypi:~# raspivid -o test
> mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not find component ''
> mmal: Failed to create camera component
> mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
> mmal: Failed to run camera app. Please check for firmware updates
>      So it looks to me as though there's something different between the
> firmware binary release and the more recent open-sourced userland code
>     I can show that by just doing my armhf build then pulling down the
> binary, which runs up,
>     Looking back through the meta-raspberrypi commit logs it looks as
> though userland replaced vc-graphics-hardfp back at 33d2e1d7
> -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
> -PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
> +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "userland"
> +PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "userland"
>     If I build with vc-graphics-hardfp I get a raspivid that runs up
> 2) I was wrong about the Bellagio support. Instead there are a set of
> library mappings in /etc/xdg/gstomx.conf
>   These need to be modified to point to not the bellagio
> library
> e.g.
> [omxh264enc]
> type-name=GstOMXH264Enc
> core-name=/opt/vc/lib/
> component-name=OMX.broadcom.video_encode
> rank=256
> in-port-index=200
> out-port-index=201
> hacks=no-component-role
>   With this in place we can do some hardware encoding of h.264 video
> with gstreamer-1.0, both to file and via RTP over UDP.
> 3) I believe gstreamer1.0-omx may need to be configured to target RPi
> not Bellagio
> e.g. GSTREAMER_1_0_OMX_TARGET="rpi"
> There's also a patch needed in as the RPi headers
> are as incomplete as the Bellagio headers .
> 4) There are some issues using the v4l2 driver with gstreamer. It seems
> to block on polling
> As v4l2src doesn't currently support h.264 for Gstreamer1.0 inherently
> (my reading is that there's some uvch264_src code for this in
> development) I'm concentrating on getting raspivid working for now and
> then piping into an Gstreamer1.0 fdsrc which works for me on Raspbian,
> and I'll see what the overhead is with that approach.
> Cheers,
> Alex
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