On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Marlon Smith <marlon.smit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We've decided to use Yocto in our company's product!  And I have a question:
> Since Yocto is updated pretty frequently, at some point we'll need to freeze
> everything and keep a permanent copy so that we can make small changes/bug
> fixes without having to worry about anything being changed outside of our
> control.  My current theory is that we'll do a bitbake -c fetchall, then zip
> up the entire Yocto directory and save it somewhere so we'll always have a
> static copy.

You shouldn't really need to worry about anything changing outside of
your control if you're doing this right. The SRC_URI[md5sums] will
yell if something changes out from under you. That said....

> We'll place our application and custom bsp layer under a
> separate Git repository, and then to do a build we'll just combine
> everything together and run bitbake on the whole thing.

That sounds about right and is how I would do it (and do do it via the yocto-ab)

> Is there a better or recommended way of doing this?

The git strategy sounds ok. I wouldn't do the zip everything up necessarily.

I would suggest something similar to what we're doing on the autobuilder.

DL_DIR is at nas:/mount/dl_dir

nightly does a bitbake -c fetchall. It dumps into DL_DIR. a cron
rsyncs DL_DIR to http://internal.yourorg.com/src_mirror

When you're ready to lock down your base OS, set PREMIRRORS to your
internal mirror.

I would not expose that mirror externally if you have any proprietary
IP that may be in DL_DIR; for GPL compliance, you'll want to utilize
the source archiver.

> Thanks again, and I'm excited to start working with Yocto!
> Marlon
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Elizabeth Flanagan
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