Attendees: Armin, Corneliu, Stephen, Melissa, Darren, Cristian, Tom, Saul, 
Michael, Paul, Nitin, Mathew, David,

* Opens collection - 5 min (Stephen)

* Yocto 1.7 status - 5 min (Stephen/team)

YP 1.6.1 build done last weekend; QA results should be available tomorrow; some 
issues found; investigating them now.  We will be doing a rebuild after the QA 
report and restart the QA on the parts with issues.  Meta-Intel on 1.6.1 is 
looking good.   YP 1.7 M1 rc1 will push this build until next week.   
Tentatively discussing that we might do a YP 1.5.3 in mid-July.  We are 
discussing if/when/why we might do a 1.4.5.

* SWAT team rotation: Beth -> Paul

* Opens - 10 min

Stephen - Bridge invite will expire this week; Stephen will resend the calendar 
invites to all with a new bridge information before next week's meeting.

* Team Sharing - 10 min
Michael - New servers have been set up for YP last Saturday and give is better 
Michael - On vacation during the next week.


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
*   Work Telephone:          (503) 712-0534
*    Cell:                                (208) 244-4460
* Email:                   

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