  Thanks for your response.  I tried the following permutations:
I added this: BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE += " JAVA_HOME" to the top of my recipe.
I added this: BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE += "JAVA_HOME" to the top of my recipe.
I added this: BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE = "JAVA_HOME" to the top of my recipe.
I added this: export BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="JAVA_HOME" to the top of my recipe
I added this: export BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="JAVA_HOME" to a function in my

All with no joy.  I did a bit of google-fu and came up with this one:
on the command line: BB_ENV_EXTRAWHITE="JAVA_HOME" bitbake myRecipe

Which almost works, but not really.  my bbnote in my recipe exclaims: NOTE:
java is here: /usr/local/java/jdk
which is right, but then in the shell script that gets called after that,
the first lines are:
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then
    echo "JAVA_HOME is not set"
    exit 1

Which turns out the error that JAVA_HOME is not set.

again, this shell script works perfectly fine outside of the bitbake system.

Any other ideas?

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:29 AM, Nicolas Dechesne <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 10:58 PM, Allen Kennedy Jr.
> <> wrote:
> > Any ideas why or how this is getting unset, and how to fix?
> > I couldn't find any documentation that talks about this.
> by the way, this is not a bug, and doesn't need to be 'fixed'. this is
> purposely done this way to avoid leaking too much information from
> your environment into the build environment. bitbake tries to isolate
> as much as possible from the host.
> --
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