For anybody (such as myself) who might stumble across this thread later…

I just wanted to build a recipe without tainting my sstate cache.  (I
wanted to build from a different bzr repository and didn't want to
"contaminate" my sstate cache, or even worse, confuse it with a
different version of revsion 1234 from the other repository).  So I
went with:

Run the cleansstate task
Bitbake my one particular recipe
Copy the generated output for the particular test I wanted to run to
the particular test system on which I wanted to run it.
Run the cleansstate task again to clean up after myself.

I'm open to suggestions for better ways to accomplish this.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Patrick Doyle <> wrote:
> Suppose I always wanted Yocto to process a particular recipe local to
> a project and never to consult the shared state for that recipe.  Is
> there some way to mark a recipe to do this?
> --wpd
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