On 14-07-29 01:39 PM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
On 14-07-29 01:36 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
Hi there,

At the moment there are a few patches / queries outstanding for the
the meta-
oracle-java layer on this mailing list. Unfortunately the current
doesn't have time to maintain the layer anymore, so I'd like to appeal
to the
community for someone to take it over.

An ideal candidate maintainer would:
  * Have an interest in maintaining the Oracle Java recipes in the layer
  * Be willing to review and merge patches from the community

If you'd like to help out here (and responsibility can be shared by
more than
one person, it doesn't just have to be one) then please reply here or in
private and I'll arrange for you to get access to the repository.

Hi Paul,

Some of the meta-* layers (in particular meta-cloud-services) have some
existing and pending java components. So I'd be willing to help maintain
and share the load for reviewing and merging.

replying to myself.

And in case that isn't clear, I'm offering up some of my time, but
hopefully there are others that can also help.





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