On 09/12/2014 12:57 PM, Nemicolopterus Crypticus wrote:
 >Just double checking that you are specifying the "toolchain root
location" as your top level build directory (the one above
/conf/local.conf - the directory where you run bitbake).

Yes that occurred to me too, since the phrasing is a bit unclear. I
tried both.  Here's a depiction of my directory structure:

      |---- build
           |---- conf (including local.conf)
           |---- downloads
           |---- tmp-eglibc
              |---- environment-setup-blahblah
              |---- <etc.>
           |---- <etcc>
      |---- bitbake
      |---- gcc-toolchain
      |---- meta
      |---- <etc. lots more>

I tried with the root at build, and in build/tmp-eglibc with no luck.

Is it possible the toolchain didn't get built?

What happens when you source your environment script? You should have your path set up to find your cross toolchain. If that's the case, you should be able to run the toolchain on the command line.

I work with the powerpc toolchain, so I can cross-compile a simple test app after sourcing my env script:

powerpc64-poky-linux-gcc main.c -o tst

and verify I have generated a 64-bit powerpc ELF executable with

file tst

I'm just wondering since
that's what the error claims. Is there any way to confirm that the
toolchain did indeed get built?  I ran bitbake meta-ide-toolchain, but
our system is large and I'm not familiar with every aspect of it. Is it
possible some other settings elsewhere got changed in a way that would
prevent the toolchain from building?

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