You forgot the fourth question:

- Who reads the docs?  ;)

In all seriousness, the YP has some of the best docs I've ever seen come
out of an open source project.

My only comment: make it easier to build the latest docs from git.  I seem
to always hit errors, and I've seen other posts about that, too. I just did
a quick make DOC=mega-manual on Daisy, and it failed with:
"tar: mega-manual.html: Cannot stat: No such file or directory"

make DOC=dev-manual failed due to missing dependencies, and in the 30
seconds I spent while writing this e-mail, I couldn't figure out what to
install on my U14.04 host to satisfy it.

I don't have much use/fondness for html docs.  Give me a searchable PDF any

Another suggestion might be to include a setup script that makes sure the
proper packages are installed.

All in all, I give the docs a straight 'A' for being well written,
informative, and nearly always relatively current, but then, I don't read
the docs... ;)

My $0.02

Let the comments fly ;)


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Jeff Osier-Mixon <> wrote:

> Hello - this is the first in a series of short surveys to find out how
> the Yocto Project core team can continue to deliver world-class tools,
> templates, and processes for creating embedded Linux operating
> systems. We will try to keep the surveys short, but we strongly
> encourage you to provide information and opinions on all questions.
> The more information you provide, the better the Yocto Project will
> be.
> We appreciate all responses, either on the survey, on this thread, or
> privately back to me. If you respond privately, your comments will be
> kept anonymous unless otherwise specified.
> We're starting with documentation.
> - Does the Yocto Project documentation serve your needs?
> - What do you like best about the documentation?
> - What do you notice that is missing?
> Thanks
> --
> Jeff Osier-Mixon @Intel
> Yocto Project Community Manager
> --
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