Am 16.10.2014 02:40 schrieb "Matt Schuckmann" <>:
> I'm pretty confused about what is the best way to go on this.
> I realize that there are several paths that I could take but I really
don't know which is the best way to go.
> We are creating a new board largely based off the beaglebone design but
customized to our needs.
> I'm basing my software work off the TI SDK 7.0 (yes I know that is almost
a year but it is the TI blessed version)
> I feel like I need to create a new u-boot board configuration which I
have done in my own sandbox.
> Now I don't know if I should be creating a patch for my changes and
adding them to a bbappends for the ti u-boot recipe or if I should create a
new clone of ti's u-boot repo to check my changes into and create a new
recipe that references my repo? Or is there another option that I should be
If you only made a few changes like config the easiest way may be just to
patch inside a bbappend.

If there are changes in the u-boot itself it may worth to run an own u-boot
git and sync it with denx or TI.

You can overwrite the SRC_URI in the bbappend as-well.

I am a bbappend fan boy so I would prefer this over an new recipe.

But it may worth to look at the various layers like freescale and TI how
they solved this.

> Which path is preferred?
There is no silver bullet.
> What are the short/long term pro's and con's of each approach?
> Matt S.
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