On 10/15/2014 02:45 PM, Jate Sujjavanich wrote:
I am attempting to control debug-tweaks via an image recipe.

Previous posts suggest that the autobuilder will use auto.conf and ignore
local.conf. However, meta/conf/bitbake.conf says that the include order is
auto.conf, and then local.conf.

Correct, the autobuilder will use auto.conf to load it's modifications, but as you note in bitbake.conf, the local.conf will also be loaded after auto.conf.

This means that the default local.conf.template installed overrides with a
regular assignment.

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks"

Perhaps the assignment in local.conf be a weak one, i.e. ?= where it would
not override a previous assignment.

You can use EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES_remove = "debug-tweaks" which will remove it when it's finalized.

If you want to add to EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES you can use += operation.


Or maybe I need a new buildstep. How should I be doing this?

- Jate S.

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