On 20 October 2014 03:24,  <neil...@emerson.com> wrote:
> ·                   I need to  creat a new recipes to add libtdb to rootfs.
> The source code of tdb is Makefile-Base Package. Bitbake make will run the
> makefile  automatically to finish the do_compile. But , I must to execute
> one “configure” file of source code in do_configure task before do_compile.
> How to execute the “configure”  in do_configure task ?
> ·
> ·                  do_configure{
> ·                             …………   /*how to execure the configure file*/
> ·                            }
>             How to solve the problem?  If you know , please help me.  Thank
> you.

Just write the commands that you'd normally run to configure the
software.  However in this case libtdb (assuming you mean the tdb from
Samba) appears to use waf, so simply doing "inherit waf" will give you
configure/compile/install functions automatically.

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