On 28 October 2014 02:02, Liu Jian <jian....@windriver.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks to your correction.
> Could you please tell me the mailing lists? I use this mailing lists
> following the
> guidance of
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/opkg-utils/tree/CONTRIBUTING.
> You told me that URL in your last mail. So should I follow the instruction
> in it?
> Thanks very much!
> Jian

The mailing lists you sent the patch to are correct for opkg-utils.
The patch you sent modified the opkg-utils recipe within OpenEmbedded
rather than modifying opkg-utils itself. As opkg and opkg-utils are
part of the Yocto Project, we prefer to fix problems in the upstream
repositories rather than maintaining patches within OpenEmbedded.

To submit a patch for opkg-utils, you need to clone from
git://git.yoctoproject.org/opkg-utils, apply and commit your changes
with a Sign-off as you have done for OpenEmbedded. So the patch will
apply to the opkg-utils repository rather than the openembedded-core
repository. Then send that patch to the mailing lists. I'd recommend
sending via 'git send-email' rather than using your normal email
client as that will ensure the patch doesn't get corrupted.
Alternatively, for opkg and opkg-utils I accept patches attached to a
regular email as a .patch file.

Many thanks,

Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
yocto mailing list

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